Release Notes - 2.11

Release Notes - 2.11

These release notes contain functional changes, improvements and solved issues in Bricknode Broker v 2.11

New Features

This section describes new functionality. 

TRS2 reporting

New rules for the securities market are being introduced on January 3rd, 2018. The Mifid Directive (or TRS2) means, among other things, that more documentation is required to identify a legal person.

In this release, we have added new properties, so you can start to add all necessary information about your customers for the TRS 2 reporting. Information can be added to existing users as well as when creating new users. 

Create User

There are additional fields, section 4, to fill when creating a user. 

BirthDate: enter DD/MM/YYYY
Country: which TRS country the person belongs to. If the person doesn't belong to a TRS country, XX should be used. 
Type: Is prefilledThe id type for TRS reporting regarding natural persons. Can be either NID, PASSPORT or CONCAT. For Companies: LEI
Id: The TRS identification code that should be used for natural persons when performing TRS2 reporting

Manual Handling: if you want to review transactions before sending the TRS file to FI.
Mifid ok: All information is available to comply with the MiFID regulations to trade. 

Edit User

To edit an existing user in Bricknode Broker, navigate to the Detail tab. 


This release involves changes in the API, make sure to inform your external developers and update your service reference. 

Read our change log to get all information about which API-methods that are affected. 

Two new methods:

Updated API methods with new TRS properties:

Conduct switch orders on Customer Front 

If you want your customers to be able to conduct switches of instruments like funds, stocks on Customer Front. You can activate this setting under System Settings. Switch Orders is an add-on available in the Bricknode Marketplace.


Changes of existing functionality.

Edit Activity Log with HTML

To make mailings through Activity Log more dynamic, we have added the ability to edit with HTML. Which means that you can now change text size, font, link to images, etc. 

Clearer overview

We have added Asset in the in the order section of the customer overview. We can now see which instrument is traded in the order. 

Fixed issues

Resolved issues in this release.

BFSV2-6967 - Could not transfer instrument out with correct dates. (Support-2706)

BFSV2-6456 - LastSubscriptionDate exists in the API but not in the GUI. We have added this field to the GUI of all instruments, so the API and GUI is harmonized. (Support-2558)

BFSv2-6885 - If you press the different preset buttons on our charts the dates are not updated. The date boxes are now cleared since they are not used when pushing the preset buttons. (Support-2499)

BFSv2-7044 - The charts should show in percent if the instrument is displayed as a percentage. (Support-2689)

BFSV2-7013 - Subscription Orders is missing in the "big" file export (House > Import/Export Data) (Support-7013)

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