Release Notes - 2.16

Release Notes - 2.16

These release notes contain functional changes, improvements, and solved issues in Bricknode Broker. 

New Features

This section describes a brand new functionality. 

New add-on - Reconciliation Manager

This add-on makes it possible to easily manage internal reconciliation between accounts inside Bricknode Broker  It also provides helpful guidance in finding differences between the accounts.

New corporate action - dividend instrument

We have added dividend instrument to our Corporate Action add-on, which makes it possible to apply dividend instrument per share or fund unit to Bricknode Broker accounts.

New setting for Admin - mark entries whit colors

We have created a new setting that makes it possible to mark entries with colors. The default setting is double click and color green > yellow, which means that if you double click on a row it will get color green and then another double click get color yellow. 
This new setting could be useful if you, for example, are looking for specific transactions and want to mark them. The marked rows will also be visible if you go to the customer and order view. 

You will find the settings in Admin > Settings. 



A new information section will be visible on the dashboard when a new add-on is activated. The section will be visible on the dashboard for a couple of days and then disappear. 


Changes in existing functionality.

Search on Amount in transactions

We have added the possibility to search on a specific amount in the transaction list. 


This release involves changes in the API, make sure to inform your external developers and update your service reference. 

Please read our change log to get all the information about which API-methods that are affected. 

Fixed issues

Issues resolved in this release.

BFSV2-7272 - Currencies in section Cash on customer and partner front is now summed. (SUPPORT-3483)

BFSV2-7268 - Instruments with status Removed was visible in the list when making a Transfer Instrument. (SUPPORT-3471)

BFSV2-7269 - Columns where not correct in transaction view on Customer (SUPPORT-3479, 3482)

BFSV2-7273 - Added a column Reservation in the order view on Customer overview. (SUPPORT-3480) 

BFSV2-7279 - Name was missing in positions on the customer front. (SUPPORT-3502)

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