Release Notes - 2.33

New Features and Improvements

This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.

Autogiro in all order flows - Monthly savings and one-time transfers in instruments

Previously it has only been possible to create monthly savings directly in funds or other instruments via autogiro with the order route (execution interface) MFEX but now we made it possible to create monthly savings from all order routes. Learn more here.

In connection with this change, all order flows will use the same order ticket. (previously MFEX-orders had another order ticket in the action menu on an account). The ticket has also gotten an updated look.


Extended logging on the Autogiro overview

We have added more information in the logs and the files that are imported in Bricknode Broker are also saved in the log before only exported files were visible in the log. With this improvement, it will be easier for back-office administrators to see if a file has been missed to import. Learn more here.


New full info on orders

We have a new full info view on orders. The new shows everything that has to do with the order in a clear way. The user will see all information on one page. The overview will also show if the order has linked events (linked orders), like autogiro orders.

Quick Menu

We have made some minor improvements, centered the headings, and colored the buttons, in the quick menu, in customer front, and partner.


API - 2.33

This release involves changes in the API, make sure to inform your external developers and update your service reference. Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API-methods that are affected.

A pre-release of our NuGet package is available here:

Fixed issues

Issues resolved in this release.

BB-113 - CustomFields was not attached on a currency exchange order. (SUPPORT-5746)


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