Release Notes - 2.40

Planned release date: 2022-02-08

New Features and Improvements

This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.

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API - 2.40

It is now possible to create a manual transaction via the API and connect it to an already existing order or note in Bricknode Broker. You can, for example, create a fee transaction and connect it to the order and the note by adding the property OrderId and NoteId on the transaction. When the link between the note and the transaction is specified the transaction will be listed on the trade note generated into a PDF.


Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated. The log also contains the address for the test environment where your developers can update the "service reference" and make any necessary changes before the actual update.

A release of our NuGet package is also available:

Improved logging in Bricknode.Soap.Sdk

We have improved the error handling in the SDK, so it will be more clear what is wrong when doing an API call and the response has no entities or results.

Working with KYC

In BricknodeBroker we have a setting for working with KYC dates and to redirect the user to a KYC data update link if the KYC data is deemed old. Previously the re-direct link that the admin entered here was framed into Bricknode Broker through an iFrame which made the functionality limiting and the experience on mobile devices bad.

We changed this into being a re-direct where the user is directed to the link outside of Bricknode Broker which gives more freedom to the developer of the KYC data capture site and governs for a better user experience. When the customer has entered the KYC data there is a link back to the login page of Bricknode Broker.

Add and view custom fields on business transactions in the system

In the latest release, we added support in the API for custom fields on business transactions. Now you can also view and add them to the system to provide more information about the transaction, for example why it was created. Just click on to view or add the custom fields.


New default transaction types

We added new default transaction types to be used in the new Fee Manager.


Transaction type


Transaction type

Administrationsavgift / AdministrationFee


Insättningsavgift / DepositFee


Prestationsbaserad Avgift / PerformanceFee


Plattformsavgift / PlatformFee









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