Release Notes - 2.18
These release notes contain functional changes, improvements and solved issues in Bricknode Broker 2.18
Release date: 2019-03-20
New Features
This section describes a brand new functionality.
New add-on - Bond Manager
The bond manager is an app for managing bond instruments and to perform functionality for these instrument types like creating accrued interest, capitalization, amortization, expirations etc. A job is also running every night which creates accrued interest transactions.
The add-on is available in our Marketplace.
Changes in existing functionality.
Improvements in trade ticket
In the previous release, we made a change regarding the trade date and trade time, in the ticket when making executing an order.
To make it more user-friendly, we have divided the date and time into two fields. It works the same way as before, you will get a suggested trade date and trade time, and it can always be changed.
Remove reservations on subscription orders
There is now also possible to remove reservations on subscription order.
Navigate to the action menu and click Remove to remove the reservation.
BankID update
We have updated BFS to support a new BankID version. We have changed to a new endpoint, according to: and
Fixed issues
Issues resolved in this release.
BFSV2-7403 - Save latest search in the filter Balance Dimensions didn't work in the Transaction list.
BFSV2-7400 - When you cancel an autogiro order that has a fund order linked to it, the fund order was not canceled only the autogiro order. This made the fund order hanging in the air in status "waiting for subscription."
BFSV2-74XX - Long time for external accounts to be visible in the withdrawal ticket.
TRS2 reporting:
BFSV2-7418 - TRS2 Incorrect decision maker
BFSV2-7415 - Remove IDWF on deals for INTC
BFSV2-7428 - Decision Maker within firm is empty on manual orders created by portfolio.
BFSV2-7423 - Execution within firm is not set correctly on internal orders.
Read more about Decision Maker(s), Decision Maker Within Firm and Execution Within Firm and Decision maker and Capital insurance account
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