Release Notes - 2.09

Release Notes - 2.09

These release notes contain functional changes, improvements and solved issues in Bricknode Broker v 2.09
Date of release: 2017-07-04

This release involves changes in the API, make sure to inform your external developers and update your service reference. 

To test new features or changes, you can connect to this test/stage API: https://stage.bricknode.com/preview1/api/bfsapi.asmx

Username: apiuser
Password: apiuser
Identifier: LBTkclvXqRsERLEqKg

Note! This is public, so don´t enter any confidential data. 

Read our change log to get all information about which API-methods that are affected. We will also list relevant methods below. 

New Features

This section describes a brand new functionality. 

New Add-on - Pension Accounts

This add-on enables you to work with pension accounts involving account properties like first payment age, payment interval, payouts etc. You can activate this add-on in your back office system under the add-ons menu.

Updated API methods:

To edit or view the pension account settings, click Edit and navigate to pension. 

Navigate to System Data > Account Types to enter which account types that should have the properties for Pension Accounts. 

Custom Fields in API

Custom fields enables you to add customized data to an object. Custom fields are implemented in our API-methods: Person, Account, Trade order, and Instrument.

Updated API methods:


API - BankID

A new parameter called AuthenticatePerson (nullable bool) is added to the Sign and Auth request in BFS API, which makes it possible to use bankID for signing and authorization via the API. This means that we can authenticate a person that does not exist in BFS.

Method: BankIdAuthenticationBankIdSign

System Settings 

We have added some new settings which give back office administrators more control.

Login Settings

Back office can now easily administer how to log into the different systems, back office (admin), partner and customer front.

We have added new login settings at each tab in the back office GUI where we can choose login alternative. (System Data > System Settings > Admin or Partner or Front)

Note! The add-on BankID have to be enabled to be able to get the alternative BankID Mobile and BankID 

Instrument Setting 

We have added a new setting that enables you to add fund company name as a prefix to the name of the fund created by a feed. This setting is usable to separate funds with the same name in Bricknode Broker.

Example: FundCompany - FundName

We would like to take the opportunity to thank one of our customers, Henrik, for this suggestion to make Bricknode Broker even better!

Allocation Order list

A new menu alternative under Order Management called Allocation Orders where you can filter on allocation profiles and only view the orders connected to the specific allocation profile. 

Contact of an account

It is now possible to set a contact (legal entity) at an account. This contact will recieve information about the account in account statements, activity statements and notes. 

We have added contact in the list of Active Accounts (Accounts > Active Accounts) 

When creating an account, the contact will by default be the owner of the account. 

This property (ContactLegalEntity) have existed in the API från version 2.07 but from this version will ContactLegalEntity be defaulted to the owner of the account if not supplied.

Updated API-method:



Changes of existing functionality.

Category Management

We have made several improvements to make category management more intuivt.  

Instrument Categorization

Catagory Management in System Data

When creating a new category we can choose if we want the category to show allocation in precentage, by marking the checkbox, Use Allocation. 

We can now to filter on category group and only view the categories from a specific category group. 

If we are trying to add a category or a category group that alread exist will we get a info message. 

Instrument categories

Instrument categorization is used to put instrument in different categories to be able to filter these for different purposes. We have improved the ticket where you add the categories so it should be more user friendly. 

Categroy filtering

Possibility to filter on a category in the list of instruments, to view instruments of a specific category, for example, all instruments which have low risk. 

Expanded Contact info with fields for the primary postal address. 

Expanded address information when creating a new legal entity or editing a legal entity. Now it is possible to enter a primary postal address as well.

The primary postal address will be used in PDF´s like note, account statement, activity reports and commitment statement. 

We also added properties in following API methods:



Clearer headlines in the Pretrade report

We have clarified the headlines so that the user will know what the columns mean.

Multiselect filter

To get better search result we have changed to Multiselect filter when selecting transaction types in the list of Transactions. 

Fixed issues

Issues resolved in this release.

BFSV2-6568 -  External reference is currently displayed on the client front when the user clicks on an instrument. External reference should not visible on the customer front it should only be visible for admin. We added a field for Comment that will be visible at the customer front. 

BFSV2-6687 - Some partner could not see accounts full info. 

BFSV2-6686 - Incorrect values from tempbrick when selling MFEX-fund in amount

BFSV2-6685 - Orders with status settled where not visible when filtering on AllActive.

BFSV2-6691 - When calculating the initial value of all positions for an account we recived rounding errors. 

BFSV2-66XX - Transaction list at customer overview show both trade and settlement transactions

BFSV2-6693 - Problems with filtering at instrument types in the order list.

BFSV2-6679 - Rounding error in currency exchange ticket.

BFSV2-6672 - Add AllocationTemplate to dataexport

BFSV2-6628 - Error in different browsers (chrome) when using the comment field in the customer overview.

BFSV2-6705 - API call for GetPosition returns to many values when filter parameter AccountOwner is used

BFSV2-6658 - It was possible to delete/remove accounts that has transactions. 

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