Instrument Categorization

Instrument Categorization

Categorization is used to put instruments in different categories to be able to filter these for different purposes (for example tax reporting)

We can for example filter by Category in the list of instruments, to view instruments of a specific category, for example, all instruments that have Asia as a category. 

In order to create, edit, or view instrument categories navigate to Category Management in the System Data menu.

An instrument category consists of a key and a category group. So in order to create or edit a category we first need a category group. Default there are two category groups in the system, Risk and Tax.

To create a category group we need to navigate to the Category Groups tab and click on the create button and this will open a dialog where we can enter a new category group. When creating a new category group we can choose if we want the category group to show allocation in percentage, by marking the checkbox, Use Allocation. 

Click the confirm button to save our category group.

We now need to enter a language label for the category group, navigate to the action menu for the category group, and click edit. We navigate to the Language section and add the different languages we want for the category.

To create the category, we must navigate to the Categories tab and click the create button.

This will open a window where we can enter values for the new category.

Key: This is the name of the key we want to create. This value can not consist of space or characters such as åäöé.

Category Group: This is the category group we want our category to belong to. This must be created before we can create the category.

After we have entered values in the add window we click the confirm button to save our category.

We now need to enter a language label for the category, navigate to the action menu for the category, and click edit. We navigate to the Language section and add the different languages we want for the category.

Now we need to add this category to the instrument. We navigate to the action menu of the instrument we want to add the category to and click edit or click at the pencil (edit) in the Category section


or click on the pencil (edit) in the Category section. 

This will open an edit window for the instrument. Navigate to the fourth section to add categories to the instrument.

Select the category group and click Add to select categories. 

Choose categories and which allocation they should have and click Confirm to Save. 

We have now added categories to our instrument. Please read this article about how to display the category information on the customer front: Pie charts exposure

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