

Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdsGuid[]Specific ids to search for. BrickId is the internal id of a deal.false2.11
CreatedDateFromDateTime?Filter by a range of dates when the deal was created. This defines the first date of the search range. Note that the time of the day is relevant in this search and not just the date.false2.11
CreatedDateToDateTime?Filter by a range of dates when the deal was created. This defines the last date of the search range. Note that the time of the day is relevant in this search and not just the date.false2.11
 Asset1Guid?Filter by Asset1 on the dealfalse2.11
 Asset2Guid?Filter by Asset2 on the dealfalse2.11
ExecutionInterfacesstring[]Filter by the execution interface keys on the deals.
Possible values: MFEX, NFM, Manual, Internal, ExternalFund, Fax
BuyPartyAccountsGuid[]Filter by the internal id of the Account on the dealfalse2.11
SellPartyAccountsGuid[]Filter by the internal id of the Account on the dealfalse2.11
DealNosstring[]Filter by the deal numberfalse2.11
BuyOrdersGuid[]Filter by the internal id of the buy orders connected to the dealfalse2.11
SellOrdersGuid[]Filter by the internal id of the sell orders connected to the dealfalse2.11
BuyPartyNotesstring[]Filter by the buy party note number of connected to the dealfalse2.11
SellPartyNotesstring[]Filter by the sell party note number of connected to the dealfalse2.11
IsTRSReportingbool?Filter by whether the deal should be included in the TRS-reporting or not.false2.11
TradeTimeFromDateTime?Filter by a range of timestamps of when the deal was executed. This defines the first date of the search range.false2.11
TradeTimeToDateTime?Filter by a range of timestamps of when the deal was executed. This defines the last date of the search range.false2.11
TradeDateFromDateTime?Filter by a range of dates of when the deal was executed. This defines the first date of the search range.false2.11
TradeDateToDateTime?Filter by a range of dates of when the deal was executed. This defines the last date of the search range.false2.11
SettlementDateFromDateTime?Filter by a range of dates of when the deal was settled. This defines the first date of the search range.false2.11
SettlementDateToDateTime?Filter by a range of dates of when the deal was settled. This defines the last date of the search range.false2.11
StatusKeysstring[]Filter by the Status of the deal. It is only possible to filter on StatusKey = "Cancelled".false2.12
TradingVenuesGuid[]Filter by the Trading Venue of the dealfalse2.12
TradingVenueTransactionIdsstring[]Filter by the transaction id given by the Trading Venue when the deal was executed.false2.12
TradingVenueTimeStampDateFromDateTime?Filter by the time stamp of the deal that defines when the deal was executed at the trading venue. This value will define the earliest time in the specified range.false2.12
TradingVenueTimeStampDateToDateTime?Filter by the time stamp of the deal that defines when the deal was executed at the trading venue. This value will define the latest time in the specified range.false2.12
ExecutionWithinFirmTypestringFilter by the type of the entity that was responsible for the execution of the deal. Can be either "USER" or "ALGO".false2.12
ExecutionWithinFirm_USERGuid[]Filter by the BrickId of the person that was responsible for the execution of the deal.false2.12
ExecutionWithinFirm_ALGOGuid[]Filter by the BrickId of the algorithm that was responsible for the execution of the deal.false2.12
TradingCapacitystringFilter by the Trading Capacity of the dealfalse2.12
CancellationDateFromDateTime?Filter by the time stamp of when the deal was cancelled. This value will define the earliest time in the specified range.false2.12
CancellationDateToDateTime?Filter by the time stamp of when the deal was cancelled. This value will define the latest time in the specified range.false2.12
INTCbool?Filter by whether the deal is an INTC deal in the TRS report or not.false2.17

Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe BrickId (unique id) of the account type2.11
CreatedDateDateTimeThe time when the deal was created2.11
AmountAsset1decimalThe amount of the first leg of the deal2.11
AmountAsset2decimalThe amount of the second leg of the deal2.11
Asset1GuidThe asset of the first leg of the deal2.11
Asset2GuidThe asset of the second leg of the deal2.11
PricedoubleThe price of the deal2.11
ExecutionInterfacestringThe execution interface key2.11
BuyPartyAccountGuidThe internal id of the buy party account2.11
SellPartyAccountGuidThe internal id of the sell party account2.11
DealNostringThe deal number of the deal2.11
BuyOrderGuidThe buy order of the deal2.11
SellOrderGuidThe sell order of the deal2.11
BuyPartyNotestringThe note number of the buy party note connected to the deal2.11
SellPartyNotestringThe note number of the sell party note connected to the deal2.11
IsTRSReportingboolTells whether the deal should be included in the TRS-reporting or not2.11
TradeTimeDateTimeThe timestamp of the of the trade connected to the deal2.11
TradeDateDateTimeThe trade date of the deal2.11
SettlementDateDateTimeThe settlement date of the deal2.11
StatusKeystringStaus of the Deal2.12
TradingVenueGuidThe Trading Venue of the deal2.12
TradingVenueTransactionIdstringThe id of the transaction given by the Trading Venue when the deal was executed.2.12
TradingVenueTimeStampDateDateTimeThe time stamp of the deal that defines when the deal was executed at the trading venue2.12
ExecutionWithinFirmTypestringThe type of the entity that was responsible for the execution of the deal. Can be either "USER" or "ALGO".2.12
ExecutionWithinFirm_USERGuidThe BrickId of the person that was responsible for the execution of the deal.2.12
ExecutionWithinFirm_ALGOGuidThe BrickId of the algorithm that was responsible for the execution of the deal.2.12
TradingCapacitystringThe Trading Capacity of the deal2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_BENCboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_ACTXboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_ILQDboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_SIZEboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_CANCboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_AMNDboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_SDIVboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_RPRIboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_DUPLboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_LRGSboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_TNCPboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_TPACboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
OTCPostTradeIndicator_XFPHboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
WaiverIndicator_OILQboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
WaiverIndicator_NLIQboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
WaiverIndicator_PRICboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
WaiverIndicator_ILQDboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
WaiverIndicator_RFPTboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
WaiverIndicator_SIZEboolIndicator that is used in TRS2 reports2.12
CancellationDateDateTime?Time stamp of when the deal was cancelled. 2.12
INTCboolTells whether the deal is an INTC deal or not in the TRS-report

Code examples

C# - Get all deals in a BFS instance and print out the id and the deal number
var client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();
var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS
var deals = client.GetDeals(new BFSServiceReference.GetDealsRequest()
    Credentials = credentials,
    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS
    Args = new GetDealsArgs()
    Fields = new BFSServiceReference.GetDealsFields()
        BrickId = true,
        DealNo = true
foreach (var c in deals.Result)
    Console.WriteLine(c.BrickId + ";" c.DealNo );

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