Release Notes - 2.20
These release notes contain functional changes, improvements and solved issues in Bricknode Broker 2.20
Release date: 27/5
New Features
This section describes new functionality.
Reserve cash
You can now reserve cash on an account without having to make an order, for example, to tie up cash that should be used for fees.
If the account is connected to an allocation profile, and there is a rebalance the account will be added to excluded accounts, with the message: no available cash.
We are thinking of GDPR, are you?
Making personal data anonymous in Bricknode Broker has never been easier. Use the new menu option, depersonalize, to hide or disguise sensitive personal information, like personal/, name.
This functionality can, for example, be used when taking screenshots and sending to the support.
New setting for Ex-post
A setting that allows you to choose where the Ex-post should be visible. You will find the new setting under System Data > System settings > Other.
Changes in existing functionality.
Export CSV-file
For easier access we have added the paging panel and CSV export above the lists as well. Click on More and you will have the same options as under the lists. This improvement is implemented in most of the lists in the system, like positions, orders, instruments, transactions, etc.
Transaction types
We have removed the possibility to create, edit, and import transaction types. If you want to create a new transaction type please contact Bricknode Support and we will set it up for you.
Lately, we have received a lot of support where incorrect transaction types have been created and used. Troubleshooting this is time-consuming and we would rather spend our time improving and developing new functions in Bricknode Broker for you.
New summary in the position list
We have added a total summary of amounts in the position list.
This release involves changes in the API, make sure to inform your external developers and update your service reference.
Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API-methods that are affected.
General improvements
BFSV2-7529 - Filter order list on order number.
To speed up the list with all orders we have changed the default filter on the list to order number instead of created date.
Fixed issues
Issues resolved in this release.
BFSV2-7532 - Make comment non-mandatory in CreateTransferReceivers.
BFSV2-7490 - The feature "Sell all" only sells 10 positions even though there were more positions than 10. (Support-4005)
BFSV2-7552 - Placed an autogiro order but had now external account (Support-7552)
BFSV2-7344 - Marketplace was missing in the settlement notes if the instrument shouldn't be TRS reported. (Support-3774)
BFSV2-7433 - Orders were sent to MFEX after the cut-off. (Support-2874)
BFSV2-7514 - Category Management - Status - Customer Front. Only show categories on customer front that has status Open. (Support-7514)
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