Property | Description |
Price Decimals | The number of decimals to use when showing the price of the instrument |
Display Percentage Price | If checked the price will be displayed as a percentage value, in the database the value of 98% will be stored as 0.98 but shown as 98%. In this example we are using currency values as the price. |
Price | The price of the commodity |
Price Date | The date when the price was set |
Multiplier | For commodities the value multiplier can be used for linking the price to the tradeable quantity of the commodity. For example, if we would like our customers to trade Gold in grams but the price that we have quotes the price per kilo the multiplier could be set to 0.001. This means that if the customer would enter an order for 1 unit the value of the trade would be calculated like this: 1 unit x 1300 price x 0.001 mult = 1.3. |
Decimals | This is a legacy property that should be left blank |
Quantity Decimals | This is the number of decimals that should be used for the units. We want to offer trading in Gold for 1/100s of a gram so we enter 2 decimals for the quantity setting. |