How to withdraw cash in Bricknode Broker
Withdrawals from the back office interface are managed by navigating to the relevant account and selecting withdraw money in the action menu of the account.
Next, select the external account to use and the amount to withdraw:
The order is created, the money is reserved and the next step in the workflow is to fill the order/orders. In the fill event, no transactions are created.
Manage the withdrawal orders
The add-on ISO 20022 Debit Payments can also be used when managing withdrawal orders. The app is available in Bricknode Marketplace.
Navigate to Payments > Withdrawal to manage the withdrawal orders.
Select which order to fill and click on Fill Orders in the action menu. You can select several orders or one order.
The next steps are to instruct the transfer at the bank and in Bricknode Broker we will move the order to be instructed.
The final step is to settle where we will enter the dates used for the transactions.
The withdrawal order is done and the transactions are made at the customer/customers.
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