POA - Powers of Attorney
Different types of Powers of Attorney
In Bricknode Broker there are four different types of powers of attorney.
Set POA for a customer account for an Advisor to manage
From Admin
Go to the top section and choose User Management.
Select the customer and go to the tab Account Overview.
Choose the account which the POA is to be created for.
Use the action menu, to select the POA option.
An Add POA pop-up ticket appears on the screen.
Click the Choose button.
A Choose pop-up ticket appears on the screen.
Choose the advisor that will manage the account.
The Add POA pop-up ticket appears on the screen again.
Choose the right type of POA in the field POA type.
You can also select to set the partner as a reseller for the account and the customer.
To see the power of attorney for the customer, go to the tab POA.
The POA, Issued Powers of Attorney, shows that it is the customer that has issued the power of attorney.
To see the Power of Attorney for the Advisor go to the top section and choose User Management.
Choose Partner and navigate to the tab POA.
The POA, Received Powers of Attorney, describes that it is the advisor that has received the power of attorney.