POA - Powers of Attorney

POA - Powers of Attorney

Different types of Powers of Attorney

In Bricknode Broker there are four different types of powers of attorney. 

  • View

  • Trade

  • Full

  • Inactive

Set POA for a customer account for an Advisor to manage

From Admin

  • Go to the top section and choose User Management.

  • Select the customer and go to the tab Account Overview. 

  • Choose the account which the POA is to be created for. 

  • Use the action menu, to select the POA option.


  • An Add POA pop-up ticket appears on the screen.

  • Click the Choose button.


  • A Choose pop-up ticket appears on the screen.

  • Choose the advisor that will manage the account.


  • The Add POA pop-up ticket appears on the screen again.

  • Choose the right type of POA in the field POA type.

  • You can also select to set the partner as a reseller for the account and the customer.


  • To see the power of attorney for the customer, go to the tab POA.

  • The POA, Issued Powers of Attorney, shows that it is the customer that has issued the power of attorney. 

  • To see the Power of Attorney for the Advisor go to the top section and choose User Management.

  • Choose Partner and navigate to the tab POA.

  • The POA, Received Powers of Attorney, describes that it is the advisor that has received the power of attorney.


From Advisor/Partner