How to configure BFS for manual trading

How to configure BFS for manual trading

BFS Version: 2.X

In this article we explain how to configure BFS for manual trading. 
Trading manually in BFS involves the ability to buy or sell a product, and to do so requires some configuration.

The following configurations are needed in BFS.

1. Custody accountthe custody account is configured in order to reflect accounts located at custody banks. The selected custody account will be used for safekeeping of the assets traded and to automate reconciliation.
2. Instrument - the instrument is the tradable instrument issued by a legal entity.
3. Execution interface - the available trade routes for the instrument.
4. Counterparty Account this account is used as the counterparty when buying the product.
5. Fee Category - fee categories are associated with instruments and accounts in order to apply various fee schedules.

Custody account

To manage your custody account navigate to the top section and choose House.

See the article Custody accounts for more information on how to create custody accounts. 


Each Instrument/product in BFS can be traded in different ways. The different ways of trading correspond to creating an execution interface for the product. 
Each product/instrument in BFS that is either bought or sold needs to have an execution interface.

Execution Interface

Settings must be applied for the instrument for each order type and the available trade routes for the instrument is called Execution Interface.
To trade the product manually the execution interface Manual is used. 
Read how to configure a product for manual trading in this article Execution Interface Manual.

Counterparty account

Counterparty account is needed when filling the order. Read more about the accounts in the article Trade Manual.

Fee Category

Transaction based fees (buy and sell) are based on "Fee Categories" and "Fee Types" and the combinations of categories is described further in the article about Fee Handling.

After the above configurations are made BFS is configured for manual trading.
To read more about how to manually trade products read the article Trade Manual.

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