Execution Interface Manual

Execution Interface Manual


Each instrument in Bricknode Broker can be traded through various routes. In Bricknode Broker the various trade routes correspond to creating execution interfaces for the instruments. The instrument is handled in the way the execution interface is configured.

In this article, we explain how to configure a product to be traded manually.

Navigate to Instrument Management. Select the instrument, in this example we have chosen a specific Stock, to add the execution interface Manual. 

 Use the Action menu to select Add Execution Interface. 

A Create pop-up ticket appears on the screen. In the drop-down list choose Manual.


Custody Account -  is selected for all execution interfaces. See the article Custody accounts on how to create custody accounts. The custody account defines where the product will be stored for safekeeping by default when traded through the execution interface.
Counterparty: this account is used as the counterparty when buying the product, for example, Pareto.
Counterparty Account: the counterparty account
Buy Amount, Buy UnitSell Amount, and Sell Unit are used to control which kind of orders are allowed. 

Click the Confirm button to create the manual execution interface.


The Execution Interface Manual has been added to the instrument, and it can now be traded manually. 
To read about manual trading go to the article Trade Manual.

There is always a possibility to change the settings at the execution interface and to add another execution interface to the instrument.

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