

The entity for the execution interface is renamed to ManualExecutionInterfaceOld, since creating execution interfaces is now possible in the CreateInstruments method.

This method, CreateManualExecutionInterface, will be deprecated.

This API method is for creating an ExecutionInterface for an instrument where the Execution Interface key is set to Manual.


NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidNot used

InstrumentGuidThe Id of the instrument that the execution interface should be associated withYes 
DefaultExecutionInterfaceBoolTrue or False. If True the instrument gets the "Manual" interface as default execution interface.

CustodyAccountGuidThe id of the associated Custody Account that should be used for trading the instrument via the created ExecutionInterfaceYes
FeeCategoryStringSets if the ExecutionInterface should be associated with a fee record. Default is "NoFee".

BuyAmountAllowedBoolDetermines if the ExecutionInterface should accept buy orders in amount of moneyYes, at least one must be true
BuyUnitAllowedBoolDetermines if the ExecutionInterface should accept buy orders as units of instruments
SellAmountAllowedBoolDetermines if the ExecutionInterface should accept sell orders in amount of moneyYes, at least one must be true
SellUnitAllowedBoolDetermines if the ExecutionInterface should accept sell orders as units of instruments

Defines the smallest lot of instrument units you can trade.

If no input is given, the value will be set to 10^(-1*[Quantity Decimals]) as default.

CounterPartyAccountGuidThe id of the associated Counterparty Account that should be used for trading the instrument via the created ExecutionInterfaceNo
IsNominalValueOrderEntryboolIf Nominal value is used for the instrument 
CounterPartyGuidCounterparty for the created ExecutionInterface
QuantityDecimalsintegerQuantityDecimals of the ExecutionInterface

Response rows

Available from version
EntitiesArrayAll ExecutionInterfaces in the request with BrickId and an array of Errors per ExecutionInterface

Code example

C# - Create a manual execution interface on an instrument in a BFS instance

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