Account status and Locked Status

Account status and Locked Status

Account Status


An account can have different statuses and when creating an account the first time the account by default gets the status Active.

If we want to change the status of an account, navigate to the action menu for the account > edit, and then the edit pop-up ticket appears on the screen. 



When selecting status closed the customer will not be able to view the account on the customer front end. From the back office interface, the administrator will be able to access the account. 


When the account has status hidden, the account will not be visible to the customer on the customer front end. From the back office interface, the administrator will have full access to the account. 

Locked Account

From version 2.23 are there three new statuses that you can choose from when you want to lock an account. For example, you can now select if you want to lock the account just for the end customer on the customer front and still have it opened for Admin. When opening a new account default status will be opened. 

- Locked (Front): locked for the end customer front, but can still be administrated from back office and partner. 
- Locked (Partner): locked for partner and customer front, but can still be administrated from back office. 
- Locked (Admin): locked for admin, partner, and customer front. 

When an account is locked the account will receive a little lock symbol. 

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