Resulting order route for internal orders
Set up the instrument with an internal order route (execution interface), the instrument should also have a manual resulting order route.
Execution Interface: Internal
Resulting Order Route: Manual
TRS-report resulting order: if the resulting order should be TRS-reported.
Set the internal order route as the default order route.
Also, add a manual order route to the instrument. An example of how it can look at the instrument with both order routes.
When the order is placed, navigate to Order Management > Placed Orders and the tab Netting Instances to create a netting (batch order).
Click on the action menu to create the Netting.
A pop-up ticket will appear, select the instrument and click Confirm to create the netting.
A ticket will be opened with the information about what was created.
Click on the button N to show the created netting/batch order.
The resulting manual order contains the amount of the individual orders and is now placed and can be handled.
Click the action menu on the resulting order to manage the order.
The resulting order is now filled and the next step is to settle the order.
After settling the order, the resulting order is set to Settled, and the individual orders and the netting instance are set to Done.
The customers have received their positions in the instrument.
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