Execution Interface Internal
This execution interface contains the settings for creating internal orders and the possibility of netting those orders.
A Custody Account is selected for all execution interfaces. See the article Custody accounts on how to create custody accounts.
A counterparty Account is the house trading account that is used as the counterparty for e.g. netting differences and handling of minimum amount etc.
The checkboxes Buy Amount, Buy Units, Sell Amount, and Sell Units are used to control which kind of orders are allowed.
Max Positive Balance decides how large a long position in the instrument currency is allowed as a balance in the counterparty account before the counterparty account position is netted out with the next generated order.
Max Negative Balance decides how large a short position in the instrument currency is allowed as a balance in the counterparty account before the counterparty account position is netted out with the next generated order.
Change To Price Allowed decides if a Netting instance with Settlement type "Confirmation" can be automatically changed to "Price" if it is small enough to fall within the bounds of Max Positive Balance and Max Negative Balance. If this is set to false any Netting instances of the type "Confirmation" that are too small to trigger external orders will get the status "Manual processing" and has to be managed manually.
Is Prepaid should be checked if buying the instrument requires prepayment, e.g. as for mutual funds.
Min Subscription Amount and Min Redemption Amount state the minimum amount per order. Quantity Decimals are the maximum number of decimals used for unit orders. Target Balance is the balance that the netting algorithm will "strive" for. Cut Off is for information about when netting will occur, only the time portion of this parameter is significant. First Trade and Last Trade set time limits for when the instrument is tradable internally.
The resulting Order Route determines which execution interface will be used for the netted/aggregated orders generated by the netting system.
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