Working with files
Upload files for all customers
Navigate to House > Files (1&2) if you want to upload files that all customers should have access to, such as general terms.
3. Choose or drag and drop a file to upload.
4. Files with permission "All" will be visible under "Forms" for all customers on the customer front.
5. Upload the file.
The file is now visible on the customer front. Navigate to Documents > Forms
Customer-specific files
With Bricknode Broker you can work efficiently and easily with files of various types and permission sets.
As a back-office user, you simply navigate to a customer and click on the files menu.
The permissions offer the following selections:
Admin / Partner
Admin only
Admin / Partner
This setting means that only the users of the back office application and the associated advisor will be able to view the file, not the end customer.
With this setting, only the back-office user will be able to see the file.
This level means that every user type will have access to the file, the end customer to who the file is tagged, any advisor who is selected as the advisor of the customer, and the administrative staff using the back-office application.
To view the file on Customer Front, navigate to Documents > Document.
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