Reset Password
Click on the link Reset Password to generate a new password.
To generate a new password enter the user name and click Send.
The user will receive an email with a new password.
Log in by entering the user name and the new password. Click on Log In.
The received password is only valid one time. The user will, therefore, receive a ticket to change the password. Enter the old and new password and click Save. The password is required to be a minimum of 6 characters in length.
When the password is successfully changed. The user can click on Continue to log in to the system.
Admin can from the back office interface manually force a password reset. Mark the checkbox “Manually Password Reset” that is found under the Detail tab. When logging into the customer front the user will receive the ticket to change the password.
The setting, “Manually Password Reset” is also available across all lists in User Management The setting is also available in the CSV export.
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