BFS Transfers
When navigating to the Dashboard in Bricknode Lending Back-End one can find one or many BFS-Transfers located in the BFS-Transfers grid.
A BFS-Transfer indicates that a action needs to be done regarding transfers between certain bank accounts on your physical bank.
One can regard a BFS-Transfer as a notification on an action that needs to be done outside of the Bricknode Lending system.
The grid:
Field specifiaction
Column | Comment |
System Date | As for all entities in Bricknode Lending a BFS-Transfer have a field called System Date. This date propery reflect the date the row was insterted to the database. |
Transfer Date | The field transfer date indicates when the transfer was created in BFS. |
From Account Number | The field specifies the account to move cash FROM on your bank. |
To Account Number | The field specifies the account to move cash TO on your bank. |
Amount To Transfer | The amount to transfer between accounts |
Currency | The currency of the Amount/Transfer |
Description | The type of transfer that has occured in BFS/Bricknode Lending. This is a metadata property. |
Resolved | A BFS-Transfer can be Resolved or Un-resolved. When the transfers has been made on your Bank simply click Resolve to mark this task as done. A resolved action will not show in the list of BFS-Transfers. If one wants to disply Resolved items simply filter the Resolved column to contain "true" values. Important When resolving BFS Transfer of type a "House Cut" Bricknode Lending will trigger a Settlement Transaction in BFS. The Trade transaction has already been made during the nightly Batch Jobs. Besides this no other action nor process will be triggered when clicking the "Resolve" button. This will simply set the status on the BFS-Transfer to true. |
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