Release 1.2 - TRS

Release 1.2 - TRS

These release notes contain improvements in TRS Manager 1.2


New buttons

We have added a button, Delete (1), which can be used to delete a transaction. The transaction will get status "Deleted". The functionality is the same as when you click edit at the transaction and change status to "Deleted". The app will recognize if a transaction can be deleted and the button will be disabled if the transaction not can be deleted.

Clear filter (2) has been added in all lists in TRS Manager and will be disabled if we have used it. We have also added a Refresh button (3) to all lists in TRS Manager, which can be used if we want to refresh a view where we have filtered and made changes. 


We have rebuilt the canceling process to make it easier and reduce the risk of mistakes.

We have created a new button called "Create Cancel" which should be used if we want to make a cancel to FSA. The app will automatically create a canceling transaction with all the information needed. This transaction can then be batched and sent to FSA. 
Read this article about how to make a cancellation

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