Validation and Error messages

Validation and Error messages

Format validation

Format validation is performed on each cell when importing the Excel file with tax data. For example, if a text is specified for "AvdragenSkatt (001)" the validation will fail because the value must be an integer.

If the file is not validated the following window will appear with information about the errors found in the file.

The error table tells you which line and column the error occurred so you can easily find the incorrect value in the file. Currently the only error type is "InvalidFormat".

XML validation

If the excel file is validated correctly the system will continue with generating the XML-file. The XML-file is validated against schema files provided by the swedish tax agency.

If the file is not validated the following window will appear with information about the errors found in the file.

The error messages is fairly technical but can give you a hint about what is inaccurate in the generated XML. Although the XML-file is incorrect you can still download the file by clicking "Force download of XML-file".

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