Swedish tax reports

Swedish tax reports

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To generate a tax report navigate to Admin → Tax Reporting → Swedish tax reports (tab)

Initially, you need to make sure that your general company tax settings in Bricknode Lending is correct since it will be included in the file to the tax agency. Youll find the tax settings in a table located in Admin → Tax Reporting → Swedish tax reports (tab).

Example: Usage of tax settings in final XML
    <ku:Programnamn>Bricknode Lending</ku:Programnamn>

Then choose which income year you are conducting tax reporting for.

When you have the tax settings set up and have choosen a income year click the button Generate excel file with [ReportCode] data to generate an excel file which contains all the information that you will use in the tax report.

If you need to change anything without wanting to change in the customer accounts in Bricknode Lending you can edit the data in the excel sheet. You can also change information in Bricknode Lending and then generate an excel sheet again.

Once you are satisfied with the information in the excel file you then import the excel sheet into Bricknode Lending and Bricknode Lending will then respond by giving you the XML file that you should import to your tax agency. Do upload the click the button "Drag en drop the Excel file here or click to browse" or drag the file to the box where this button recides.

There is currently two reports that can be generated from Bricknode Lending. KU20 (for lenders) and KU25 (for borrowers). 

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