

Manage capitalization 

Accrued interest is being applied every night to the instrument. You define how often the accrued interest should be capitalized when creating the bond. That (capitalization type) is only an information field and is not linked to any function which means that you have to trigger the capitalization manually in the application.

Navigate to Instruments to capitalize.

Select an instrument and click the action menu and select "Capitalize". 

The instrument chosen is prefilled but can also be changed. 

Fill in the amount of the capitalization and select a date that should be used for including accrued interest transactions.

Select No, if the money has not been deposited to the issuer account prior to performing the capitalization the Bond Manager will take care of this deposit for you in order to keep the audit trail of transactions in line. 
Transactions will be made on custody, issuer and customer accounts. 

  1. Apply money to custody account.
    Fill in account number or label and available accounts will be visible. (The drop-down menu will be empty until we write something)
    Select trade and settlement date for when we should apply money to the custody account. 

  2. Apply money to Bricknode Broker account. (Issuer for the instrument)
    Fill in account number or label on the issuer and available accounts will be visible. (The drop-down menu will be empty until we write something)
    Select trade and settlement date for when we should apply money to the issuer account. 

  3. Deduct money from Bricknode Broker account (Issuer for the instrument). 
    Fill in account number or label and available accounts will be visible. (The drop-down menu will be empty until we write something)
    Select trade and settlement date for when the money should be distributed to the receivers
    A - Separate transactions will be created on the issuer account if we choose to unmark the checkbox. 

    If we already have made transactions in Bricknode Broker for the funds, for example, used "Deposit Money" on the issuer and custody account we can select Yes. Transactions will only be made on issuer and customer accounts.

    Deduct money from Bricknode Broker account (Issuer for the instrument). 
    Fill in account number or label and available accounts will be visible. (The drop-down menu will be empty until we write something)
    Select trade and settlement date for when the money should be distributed to the receivers.
    A - If this is checked only one transaction for the total amount should be created in the issuer account when the amount is charged. Separate transactions will be created on the issuer account if we choose to unmark the checkbox. 

Click Preview  to receive a summary of the distribution. You can always change the information on the left side and click Preview before clicking Confirm. 

Click Confirm when you are satisfied. You will receive a progress bar and a message when it's finished. 

Transactions have now been created in Bricknode Broker, see example below how it looks like in Bricknode Broker when we have created all transactions through the app. (Transactions > Business Transactions). 

When the capitalization is conducted the accumulated accrued interest on the capitalization date is set to zero and all transactions conducted.

The customer has now received the capitalization on the accrued interest. 

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