Change Invoice Status

Change Invoice Status

A Bricknode Lending user can change Invoice Status backwards and to cancelled on an Invoice manually. See the map table to see which status the Invoice can change to.

From \ To    FinalizedReminderCancelled



Reminder X

Correct Transaction

When a Bricknode Lending user is going to change status to either Finalized or Reminder the user has option to correct transaction the fee that came with the status change, Reminder fee or Inkasso fee. Its only available if the next invoice has not been finalized. The option still exists even if the next invoice has been finalized, but will tell the user to uncheck it if the next invoice has been finalized.

This is to prevent to correct transaction that has been finalized on next invoice.

Good about it:

  • To prevent correction on transactions that has been finalized. If that would happen it means a borrower will have positive currency on Reminder fee or Inkasso Fee.

Bad about it:

  • Even if the next invoice has been finalized before the Inkasso fee been created it won’t be able to autocorrect the transaction.

Something easy to miss!!!

After you have changed status, you probably want Postpone the invoice otherwise the invoice will go to back to the status you changed from.

For an example if you change from Inkasso to Reminder, it will go back to Inkasso on the next day if you not change the date when it goes to Inkasso. If you change to Cancelled you don't need to change anything.

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