File transfer - Autogiro

File transfer - Autogiro

BFS Version: 2.02

The files that the payee transmits to BGC can contain different types of assignments. These are organized in sections, beginning with a header record.
A record should contain a unique transaction identification code (TK) that tells you what kind of information the current record contains, together with the information, such as a mandate, a settlement or a cancellation or rejection.
The records follow traditional 80 character layout, divided into fields with different content.

The illustrations below describes examples of the export and import files that are used with the autogiro functionality in BFS.


This export file is sent to BGC. It is handled outside BFS.

  • Go to the top section and choose Order Management
  • Choose Autogiro Orders.
  • Click on the Export button, to import the file from BGC.


In BFS there is only one export file containing all the different types of assignments.

  • Mandate - New accounts created in BFS together with the mandate applications. 
  • Order - Orders created in BFS.
  • Cancel - Orders cancelled in BFS.

Example file 


Import files are received from BGC. To import, 

  • Go to the top section and choose Order Management
  • Choose Autogiro Orders.
  • Click on the Import button, to import the file from BGC.


  • It is important to choose the right file to import. 

When you import files BGC an exceptional account is selected. This account is used, if not BFS can make a payment match, for a withdrawal or deposit. It then creates transactions on this account. 
The transactions that end up in the account is handled manually by Back Office personnel, who transfer money from the account manually to the right customer.

Note: A routine can be created for Back Office staff that for each import check the exception account and see if there are any mismatch.

For imports from BGC there are one file each for different types of assignments. 

  • Mandate - Mandate applications sent from BGC and imported in BFS.

  • Payments - Payments from BGC and imported in BFS.
    Matching Payment is done on the order number of the autogiro order. 
  • Rejects - Payments rejected by the bank.
    The payments BFS failed to match appears in the import ticket as a table.

    The import of rejected payments from BGC creates an activity log item. These are displayed on the dashboard for the Back Office personnel to handle.
    Orders that are linked to a payment that had been rejected by BGC receives the status rejected and must be recreated. Rejected payments need to be examined first because it can be caused by an incorrect mandate or other cause before the order can be created again.

  • Cancelled - Order payments cancelled in BFS are imported from BGC, verifying the cancellations.

Example file - Mandate

Note: If the same file is imported twice, a message appears on the screen informing that doublets may be imported in BFS. It is important to check the file before it is imported again.


A total amount comes in and is placed on the custody account, which consists of all autogiro orders. This sum is the total amount that appears in its corresponding bank account. The money is distributed to each customer and those that can not be matched are transferred into the exception account.

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