3. Settings for Realized Profit/Loss

3. Settings for Realized Profit/Loss

If we have a need to record realized profits and losses in the accounting it can be structured in this section.

The system works in a way where transaction types that are used for selling assets are captured and then included in the accounting. On a sell transaction the acquisition value of the position is included so by telling the system which transaction types to watch it can summarize realized profits and losses.

Start by clicking on Add New Transaction Type.

The default transaction type used by BFS for selling assets is Default_Trade_Sell which we add here. Another one could be Default_Trade_Redemption which is used in corporate actions where assets are redeemed by the issuer.

As for the account mappings we might want to make several rules, one for placing this value on the income statement and one for placing it on the balance sheet.

For example like this:


Resulting in this:

If we navigate to the Accounting Report and select to include the Realized profit/loss we will get the following:


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