December 2023-12-13
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Performance improvements
We made performance improvements when opening the customer overview.
ISO 20022 Debit Payments - added validation
We added validation for currencies so that custody and withdrawals are the same. We will not be able to create a file where the currency of the withdrawal is something other than the base currency of the custody account that the withdrawal order is linked to since it is not supported by many custodians.
November 2023-11-29
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Fee Management - Separate buy and sell fees with maximum and minimum amounts
We have extended the functionality in the internal add-on Fee Management so you can separate only to have buy or sell fees. There is also a possibility to set a maximum amount on fees in percentage so the customers never pay more than a certain fee. Learn more.
The add-on can be ordered in our Marketplace.
Improved ticket when using a mobile device
We have improved and changed the ticket for withdrawal on the customer front when using a mobile. Supported browsers: Google Chrome (mobile + web page), Safari (mobile), Edge (web page) and Firefox (web page).
Tax Shell on Account Types
We have updated the names on the Tax Shell to make it more clear and understandable. We are using the whole name instead of an abbreviation and have also removed AF (aktiefondkonto/equity fund) and set the account types that used this to None, since there was no functionality on AF. We also set None on the account types that did not have a tax shell.
From | To |
ISK | Investeringssparkonto |
KF | CapitalInsurance |
AF | None |
System Data > Account Types.
We have added a new property, CustodyAccountCash, in the API method for the manual execution interface. Please read our changelog to get all the information about the updates.
Fixed Issues
November 2023-11-15
Fixed Issues
November 2023-11-01
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Reserve assets for placed and filled trade orders
The majority of the customers in corporate finance firms, don´t have cash in their accounts when the trade order is placed and filled. We have therefore added the possibility to reserve assets on individual manual buy orders in status Placed and Filled. The functionality is also available when multi-handling manual orders. The reservation will be connected to the order and will be removed automatically when the order is done.
We have added support for external account type BIC/IBAN in the method CreateWithdrawalCashOrder
Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated.
Fixed Issues
October 2023-10-18
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
New setting for default custody account for cash on manual order route
Some of our customers have several bank accounts for the same currency and therefore need to use several custody accounts in Bricknode Broker. It is now possible to set a default custody account for cash on the manual execution interface. The default custody account for the currency will be used if this field is empty.
When managing the orders in bulk there is a possibility of changing the default custody account (cash and instrument), counterparty, and counterparty account. We have added a new section under Accounts in the fill ticket. You can override default values here by checking the checkboxes. The values will be used for all the selected orders. If you leave the fields blank, values from the instrument or currency will be used.
Mass managing of orders from the Instrument view
You can now select several orders and manage them in bulk from the order tab on the Instrument view (Stocks). This means you can fill and settle multiple orders at once, saving considerable time compared with handling these individually. This functionality has only been available from Manual Orders. Learn more.
Select which tabs to be visible on the instrument view
You can now select which tabs should be visible on the instrument view. Greyed-out options are controlled by add-ons and can therefore not be selected.
Summary and Statistics for manual and subscription orders
The totals are calculated in the subscription order list.
We have added a statistic tab in all instrument views. That will show different sections depending on what type of orders have been made.
Added overview tabs for subscription and manual orders. Order Management> Overview.
Settings saved on Overview and in the list of tasks
Settings and filter options that you are doing will be remembered.
List of tasks (User Management > Tasks)
For example, if you want the status All Active to be selected and the drop-down menu Assigne to be empty.
Fixed Issues
October 2023-10-04
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
New Instrument Settings
The Instrument Warning on the dashboard shows instruments that are missing a price, i.e. price is 0. In some situations, some instruments are supposed to have a price of 0. We have therefore added a new setting where you can ignore this warning. You will also find this setting when editing the instrument. Learn more.
You can also decide not to show the section Instrument Settings. To change the board simply drag and drop the objects. Learn more.
We have also added a CSV export and the possibility to change pages.
New setting for adding logotype in the web browser
We have added a new setting under System Data for adding logotype in the browser tab.
New settings for the Subscription Order ticket
You can now select the values you want to be remembered/saved in the Subscription Order ticket. If these are marked the ticket will remember the last used value in the ticket, for example, if you uncheck reserve asset, the next time you open the ticket this checkbox will be unchecked.
Edit Custody Account on withdrawal orders
It is now possible to edit the Custody Account on withdrawal orders, by clicking on the action menu on the account and clicking Edit.
Fixed Issues
September 2023-09-20
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Improvements in Corporate Actions
It is now possible to correct an executed corporate action event. The batch will get status corrected and all transactions will be corrected automatically both on the customers and the house.
Currency exchange orders created in connection with Corporate Action events will be batched separately from other currency exchange orders. The batch order will get an extra button with a C. If you click the C you will get to the connected corporate action.
If we want to cancel the Currency Exchange Batch Order connected to a corporate action we will need to correct the whole corporate action.
The add-on Fund Rebate - can now be used for all instruments in Bricknode Broker
Other instrument types than funds can issue rebates back to the investors and we have therefore enabled this functionality for all instrument types.
We are now saving the EOD price file from MFEX to be able to exactly know what MFEX is sending which can help when troubleshooting, for example. The file is saved under the file area on the house.
Fixed Issues
September 2023-09-06
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Performance improvements
We made performance improvements when opening and searching in the file list.
We have added new webhooks events for different batch orders and added new properties in some API methods, please read our changelog to get all the information about the updates.
Fixed Issues
August 2023-08-23
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Moved the BIC field to the User section
We have moved BIC to the section User under the Detail tab which means you only have to enter it in one place, previously you could enter BIC under both the section Counterparty and Custodian.
It has been possible to create switch orders without buy orders (AllocationItems) through CreateSwitchOrders in API, which caused a later problem in the system where the switch order got stuck. We have now added a constraint so that the property AllocationItems must contain at least one item (buy order).
Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated.
Fixed Issues
June 2023-06-28
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
New add-on - ISO 20022 Payments
This add-on supports payment files via the ISO 20022 format. Learn more.
Added support for creating and updating the new external account/transfer receiver type called “BIC/IBAN“ via the API.
Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated.
A release of our NuGet package is also available: NuGet Gallery | Bricknode.Soap.Sdk 10.2.0
June 2023-06-21
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
New top menu > Payments
We have moved Autogiro and Withdrawals from Order Management to a new top menu. We will gather all functionality that has to do with payments right now containing autogiro and withdrawals.
New add-on - ISO 20022 Payments
This add-on supports payment files via the ISO 20022 format and will be completely done in the release on the 28th of June. You can already order it in our marketplace and for now, it supports the export of ISO20022 payment files. Learn more.
New default external account type
We have added a new external account type that will be used if you have the add-on New add-on - ISO 20022 Payments.
Fixed Issues
June 2023-06-07
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Extended search functionality
We have added more search fields to the list of business transactions making it easier to find relevant results.
The new filter options are:
Created By (Owner/Name of the admin)
Updated By (Owner/Name of the admin)
Created Date
Updated Date
Name (Owner)
Fixed Issues
May 2023-05-24
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Reworked and improved the code for the manual order flow
Each instrument in Bricknode Broker can be traded through various order routes called execution interfaces. Learn more.
We have reworked and improved the code for the manual order flow which makes it work more efficiently. In the longer term will be easier to maintain and there will be faster development. There are not any changes in the GUI.
Fixed Issues
May 2023-05-03
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Enhanced customer search results when applying filters - Customers
When you filter on the value MiFID Approved, Approved, Country, and Tax Payer the columns in the list will change to show the relevant information. See the example below when filtering on MiFID Approved.
It is also possible to search for multiple values in the fields, Customer No and Personal/Org.No. Example for customer numbers: 20000188,20000189 and multiple personal numbers: 19950101,19740101
Fixed Issues
April 2023-04-19
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Expanded options when editing a subscription order
We have added more options when editing a subscription order. There is now a possibility to edit the quantity/nominal amount in the subscription order. It is common to change quantity/amount due to either lack of cash, so the customer needs to buy less, or that the customer has been allocated fewer shares than they wanted. Learn more.
Depersonalize Messages, Tasks, and Notes
Use the menu option, Depersonalize, to hide or disguise sensitive personal information, like personal/org.no, name. This functionality can, for example, be used when taking screenshots. This functionality is now also working on messages, tasks, and notes.
Limitations in the add-on Switch Orders
It is now only possible to do switch orders between funds and only when the funds are in the same currency (from and to).
We have added new messages:
“Using switch orders to switch between funds that are traded in different currencies is currently not available. Please first sell the first fund and then enter a new buy order for the second fund (conducting any currency exchange orders in between). Please refer to the help section for more detailed information.”
"It is only possible to do switch orders between funds"
Improved error message
We have expanded the error message that you can get when you do an action that can reverse the position, previously you only got “Transaction failed”, which made it difficult to know what was wrong.
Example of the new error message:
A new method for deleting multiple files in BFS, DeleteFiles
Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated.
A release of our NuGet package is also available: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Bricknode.Soap.Sdk/10.1.0
Fixed Issues
March 2023-03-22
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Personal/Org. Number in the overview
We have added personal/org.number in the list of Partner Users, this was previously only visible in the CSV-export.
Fixed Issues
March 2023-03-08
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
The add-on MiFID II - TRS2 - Validation when creating a customer
We have added a validation it´s not possible to click the checkbox MiFID approved without entering all information in the ticket that is required for the TRS application. Previously you could set the customer as MiFID approved without entering all the MiFID information, this caused a problem when trying to report the transaction to FI in the TRS application.
We have also moved Branch Country to the first section when creating the customer, this was previously in section 4 MiFID ll.
Org. Number in the overview
We have added personal/org.number in the list of Company Users, this was previously only visible in the CSV-export.
Fixed Issues
February 2023-02-15
Fixed Issues
February 2023-02-08
Fixed Issues
February 2023-02-01
Fixed Issues
January 2023-01-25
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
Statistics in Bricknode Broker
We added a section in the system where you find all kinds of statistics for what is happening in your instance, for example, how many accounts are created in a month. Learn more.
Extended logging
We have extended our logging function when receiving MFEX executions.
Fixed Issues
January 2023-01-11
New Features and Improvements
This section describes new functionality and changes in existing functionality.
HTML in Custom Fields
It is now possible to enter HTML in Custom Fields.
Please read our changelog to get all the information about which API methods have been updated.
A release of our NuGet package is also available: NuGet Gallery | Bricknode.Soap.Sdk 9.4.0
Fixed Issues
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