Broker notifications
Throughout the workflow you will receive various notifications as tasks in Broker. To view tasks navigate to User Management and then Tasks.
Tasks will be created by and assigned to a relevant user, by default there is one user defined that is used by the application for all API interaction called DepositAgent_ApiUser who will be set as both creator and assignee for each task.
Step 1
In the first step the settlement information from the PSP (in the example below it is Bambora) is read and matched to accounts in Broker with the resulting process report task below generated and as can be seen everything went well so the Status of the task is Done:
The first section contains information about the PSP and the name of the file that was received from the PSP. You will also see the current file path of where the complete file is stored if it would be needed for any reason.
The next section shows the Batch Id and Business Event Id that will be used in Broker for the resulting transactions that will be created.
Next is a list of files that were generated holding the actual transactions that will be imported into Broker for reference.
Finally there is a list of file names and file ids that were uploaded to the file area of the House that you can look at for reference.
The file area for the house can be found here:
Step 2
For each resulting file with transactions that are imported to Broker there will be a new task generated with information as follows:
Handling un-matched deposits
For each un-matched deposit a task that looks like the below example will be created.
Transactions will show up in Broker like the example below shows:
By clicking on the Business Event icon all objects related to the event will show which means all the deposits and custody transactions that were the result of the settlement file import.
By clicking the info icon for a transaction and then the Custom Field header the full details from the PSP file will be available as a Json field.
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