Lender data

Lender data

Lenders are managed within the Bricknode core module and to access this data the BFS API is used which is documented here: BFS API

The object descriptions are as follows:



Legal Entities

Legal Entities are Lenders (companies or individuals). Both companies and individuals are accessed by using GetPersons.


An asset can be either Cash or Instruments and Loans are created as loan instruments. To retrieve a list of loans the GetInstruments method is used and the InstrumentType is 13.

To get information about a cash asset the GetCash method is used.


When a Lender gets allocation of a loan the Lender will get a position in a Loan instrument. To retrieve the positions and the market value of loans the GetPositions method should be used.


Each Lender will get at least one account when a Lender is created and to collect accounts for a LegalEntity the GetAccounts is used.

Authentication and BankID

When logging on to for example a Lender front end a simple username and password can be used via UsernamePasswordAuthentication or if a BankID certificate is installed the BankID methods can be used for signing and authentication. When using BankID the BankIdSign or BankIdAuthentication is used to initiate the event and then GetBankIdStatus is used to fetch the result.

Working with files for lenders

Using File handling it is possible to store and read files associated with lenders.


TransferReceivers are external accounts that a Lender can create and use for requesting withdrawals. The BFS API only supports GetTransferReceivers right now but CreateTransferReceivers will be released shortly. To create TransferReceivers the BFS Back Office GUI can be accessed as a backup.


Transactions are called BusinessTransactions in BFS and methods exists for creating and getting BusinessTransactions. BusinessTransactions can be created in two dimensions, Trade and Settle which has to be understood before using these methods. The Bricknode Knowledge base can be consulted for further information about this or an educational request through our service desk.


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