Release 1.12 - Tax Reporting Application

Release 1.12 - Tax Reporting Application

Changes in the errors ticket when exporting KU file

Sometimes when exporting the KU excel files you get errors, or data inconsistencies, that you need to handle and that is going to make the KU report miss data. If there are a lot of errors in the file (more than 10) we have made a change so that they will not be listed in the ticket with errors. You will instead see a text with how many items or errors are in the file and the type of errors.

We have also added an opportunity to download a complete list of errors from the error list i.e. those written in the yellow section of the ticket. In that way, you can handle the errors without having to remember what it says or copy-paste the errors into another file.

The error list file is an Excel file that contains which data that has the errors in the KU file. Not all types of errors contain information about First Name, Last name and Instrument Name, but the error file always shows it.

New schema for 2022

The app now supports the XML schema for 2022 tax reporting.


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