Import Orders
Import Orders
Navigate to Order Management > Order Import.
The order overview consists of two sections.
Order Import - here you can import a CSV file with trade orders
Log - the log shows all imports that are made both successful and failed imports.
Use our example file to import your trade orders. In the file, you specify Account number, ISIN, Amount or Unit, Order direction (Buy or Sell), and Comment.
Drag and drop the file or click the button “Choose files” to select your file.
A message will appear that the file was uploaded successfully and a log is created with information about the import.
Click the plus sign to view more information about the import. The log contains information about which file was imported and created orders.
Validation and Error Handling
Validation of the file is made when doing the import.
Values must be present in columns "Account Number", "ISIN", "Order Direction"
A value must exist in Amount or Units
A value can not be present in both Amount and Units
Value in Amount or Unit must be a number.
If there is an error in the file, an error message will be displayed and a log will be created. The error message will be visible in a red section and there will also be a log. We have tried to include as much error handling as possible but please contact us if you are missing something.
Known problems
Problem to show (Swedish) characters in GUI like ÅÄÖÉåäöé when imported a file. A fix for this will come in a future release.
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