Inputs (Array[]) TransferOrderSettleInformation
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Available from version |
TransferOrderId | Guid | The Id of the order you want to settle | true | 2.23 |
TradeDate | DateTime | The trade date you want the order to have | true | 2.23 |
SettlementDate | DateTime | The settlement date you want the order to have | true | 2.23 |
ValueDate | DateTime | The value date you want the order to have | true | 2.23 |
CustodyAccount | Guid? | The custody account you want to use, if left as null it will take the custody account defined on the currency | false | 2.23 |
Response rows
Name | Type | Description | Available from version |
OrderSettlementResults | WithdrawalTransferOrderSettlementResult[] | The result of each orders settlement |
Name | Type | Description | Available from version |
Id | Guid | The Id of the order you wanted to settle | 2.23 |
IsSettled | bool | If the order was settled or not | 2.23 |
Message | string | "OK" if all went well, if not this will describe the error | 2.23 |
Code examples