

Inputs (Array[] TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryCommentAvailable from version
AccountGuidId of Account for the orderTrue

CashAmountdecimalAmount in SEK for the orderTrue

TransferReceiverGuidThe TransferReceiver(Admission) for the order


Determines the recurrance of the order.

0=One time



3=Half year



BusinessDateDateTimeDate for when the ordertemplate startsTrue if 0 is used as AutoGiroPaymentPeriod

CommentStringComment on the orderFalse


If specified, an order for the instrument will be created

when the autogiropayment is executed.



Day in month the businessdate for the order will be changed to.

True if 1-4 is used as AutoGiroPaymentPeriod

ExecutionInterfaceKeyEnumExecutionInterfaceKey that should be used when TradeOrder is created

LimitPricedecimalLimitPrice for UnitOrders

Guid[]DecisionMakers for TradeOrder

DecisionMakerWithinFirmGuidDecisionMakerWithinFirm for TradeOrder

MonthintMonth for when the ordertemplate startsrue if 1-4 is used as AutoGiroPaymentPeriod

Response rows

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
EntitiesArrayAll TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro in the request is returned along with each TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro BrickId, and array of Errors per TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro

Code examples

C# - CreateTradeBuyOrdersFromAutogiro
public static void CreateTradeBuyOrdersFromAutogiroR()
            var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;

            var target = new bfsapi.bfsapiSoapClient(binding, new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:20010/bfsapi.asmx"));

            var req = new bfsapi.CreateTradeBuyOrdersFromAutogiroRequest()
                Credentials = new bfsapi.Credentials
                    UserName = "username",
                    Password = "password"
                identify = "identify",
                Entities = new TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro[]
                    new TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro
                        Amount = 1000M,
                        AccountId = new Guid("76367cc6-d6e1-4845-b3a8-c631ef3cc89b"),
                        IsUnitOrder = false,
                        InstrumentId = new Guid("a8066b4e-cddd-49c0-aa73-f5c1f8dedfd3"),
                        ExecutionInterfaceKey = ExecutionInterfaceKey.ExternalFund,
                        LimitPrice = 10M,
                        AutoGiroPaymentPeriod = 0,
                        Comment = "",
                        BusinessDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1),
                        TransferReceiver = new Guid("a82306d3-a248-4bee-8d2e-d7562b6e520c"),
                        Day = 22,
                        DecisionMakerWithinFirm = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        DecisionMakers = new []{Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() }
                    new TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro
                        Amount = 10M,
                        AccountId = new Guid("76367cc6-d6e1-4845-b3a8-c631ef3cc89b"),
                        IsUnitOrder = true,
                        InstrumentId = new Guid("0cad156f-aa72-437a-8f07-c7efe4fd5140"),
                        ExecutionInterfaceKey = ExecutionInterfaceKey.Internal,
                        LimitPrice = 10M,
                        AutoGiroPaymentPeriod = 0,
                        Comment = "",
                        BusinessDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1),
                        TransferReceiver = new Guid("a82306d3-a248-4bee-8d2e-d7562b6e520c"),
                        Day = 22,
                        DecisionMakerWithinFirm = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        DecisionMakers = new []{Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() }
                    new TradeBuyOrderFromAutogiro
                        Amount = 10M,
                        AccountId = new Guid("76367cc6-d6e1-4845-b3a8-c631ef3cc89b"),
                        IsUnitOrder = true,
                        InstrumentId = new Guid("35915153-e04a-4192-920c-983692983077"),
                        ExecutionInterfaceKey = ExecutionInterfaceKey.Manual,
                        LimitPrice = 10M,
                        AutoGiroPaymentPeriod = 0,
                        Comment = "",
                        BusinessDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1),
                        TransferReceiver = new Guid("a82306d3-a248-4bee-8d2e-d7562b6e520c"),
                        Day = 22,
                        DecisionMakerWithinFirm = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        DecisionMakers = new []{Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() }


            var resp = target.CreateTradeBuyOrdersFromAutogiro(req);

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