

Inputs (Array[]) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
ReceiverGuidThe user that the task is associated to.YesNew method in 2.24
SubjectstringThe subject of the message.

BodystringThe body of the message.

EventDateDateTimeA date associated with the message.

IsReadboolIf the message is read by the customer.

IsPublicboolIf the message is public.

IsPromotedboolIf the message is promoted i.e. shown on the account overview when the user logs in.

IsHTMLboolIf the body of the message contains html this should be set to true.

PrioritystringWhich priority the message should have. Allowed values are: "High", "Medium", "Low". Default are set to: "Medium".

StatusstringWhich status the message should have. Allowed values are: "Created", "InProgress", "Done", "Closed". Default are set to "Created".

SendMailboolIf mail should be sent to the receiver of the message
SendMailNotificationboolIf notification mail should be sent for this message

Response rows

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
EntitiesArrayAll messages in the request is returned along with each message BrickId and array of Errors per message

Code examples

C# - Create Message
public static void CreateActivityLogMessage()
            var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;

            var target = new bfsapi.bfsapiSoapClient(binding, new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:20010/bfsapi.asmx"));
            var req = new CreateMessagesRequest();
            req.Credentials = new bfsapi.Credentials
                UserName = GetApiUserName(),
                Password = GetApiPassword()

            req.identify = GetApiIdentifier();

            req.Entities = new[]
                new bfsapi.CreateMessage
                    Status = "Done",
                    Subject = "TestSubject",
                    IsHTML = true,
                    Body = "Body",
                    Receiver = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Priority = "Medium",
                    CustomFields = new CustomField[]
                        new CustomField
                            FieldName = "TestField",
                            Value = "TestValue"
                    EventDate = DateTime.Today,
					IsPublic = true,
					IsPromoted = true,
					IsRead = false

            var resp = target.CreateMessages(req);

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