9. Recurring orders with Autogiro
Customers who want to have a recurring investment with for example monthly savings can select this in the onboarding form and a recurring deposit of cash will be created in Bricknode Broker. Practically in the system there will be an External Account created which holds the information about the Autogiro mandate. The mandates will be included in the export of the daily Autogiro file that admin will conduct according to this article: How to create an Autogiro admission
As of the current version of Bricknode Broker (2.23) support does not exist to automatically create trade orders in gold instruments but this is planned for the near future and then things will work more automatically. As it stands now the cash will be deposited automatically into the customer account and then purchase orders will have to be created manually in the admin interface, advisor interface or customer portal. In addition Bricknode can offer an add-on in its marketplace that can take care of this job automatically until the Autogiro functionality is upgraded to support automatic investment in gold instruments.
The full details of the Autogiro functionality can be found here: Autogiro in Bricknode Broker
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