4. Configure custom fields for the fund entity
In the same manner, as for the fund company we need to add some custom fields to support the reporting to the custodian and these are as follows.
Field name | Description and example of Value |
BaseCurrency | The ISO code for the base currency of the fund. Example: “SEK” |
TotalShares | This is a number value that represents the total number of shares that existed in the fund prior to new subscriptions and redemptions for this day. Remember that this is not stored as a history (unless you also use BFS to manage your fund shareholders) so this custom field value has to be updated in BFS each day before you run the custodian export for that day if you are using any of our add-ons for this like the SEB NAV Breakdown export software. Example: “500.10” |
NavAmount | This is the total Net Asset Value of the whole fund before any subscriptions and redemptions that day. Example: “3585015.05” |
Share classes
The Fund Entity can have one or multiple classes of shares and we are going to use another custom field for this and as the value of this field we are going to input some text in what is called a JSON format. Don’t worry, this can be done with Excel and a simple page on the internet that converts the content to the right format as described below. Start by downloading the Excel file called ShareClasses.xlsx below.
This example file contains two tabs, one for each fund that you want to manage (just create more tabs or remove tabs based on how many funds you work with.
The file contains a number of columns with the following example values:
The table below describes the values that should be entered.
Header | Description |
ShareClassName | This is the name of the share class. |
ShareClassId | This is the id of the share class like A, B, C etc. |
TotalShares | This is the total number of shares that exists for the share class. |
NavAmount | This is the total net asset value of the shares in the currency of the shares. If for example the share class is using USD the NavAmount should show the value in USD for the shares in this class. |
NavCcy | This is the ISO currency code of the currency for this share class. |
NavBaseAmount | This is the net asset value of the shares in this share class but converted to the base currency of the whole Fund Entity. |
Once you have filled out the values for the correct share classes you can save the excel file and navigate to the following page: http://beautifytools.com/excel-to-json-converter.php
Simply click the “Browse”-button and navigate to the Excel file that you just saved.
This will convert the content of the Excel file into what is called JSON format and look something like this:
Now you can copy the content for each fund and put into the custom field that we just created for each fund entity. When you do this it is very important to just copy the content from [ to ] as shown by the image below for Fund 1.
Edit the custom field called ShareClasses and paste the text into the Value field:
Now you are all set to have the various share classes appear in the final export file.
Other assets and liabilities
The Fund Entity can have multiple assets and liabilities like accruals, unpaid redemptions etc. and we are going to use another custom field for this and as the value of this field we are going to input some text in JSON format. Use the same method and conversion service from Excel as described for Share Classes above. Start by downloading the Excel file called OtherAssetsAndLiabilities.xlsx below.
This example file contains two tabs, one for each fund that you want to manage (just create more tabs or remove tabs based on how many funds you work with.
The file contains a number of columns with the following example values:
The table below describes values that could be entered.
Header | Data type | Description |
PosId | Text (max 200 chars) | A unique identifier for the position. |
SrcPosId | Text (max 200 chars) | An internal reference if one exists in the source system. |
PosNm | Text (max 200 chars) | The name of the position. |
MktValBaseAmt | Decimal number | The book value expressed in the base currency of the fund where assets have a positive value and liabilities have a negative value. This is a component in the NAV calculation. |
Tp | Text (max 2 chars) | This is a simple text value that represents the type of the asset or liability: B = Borrowings |
BalAmt | Decimal number | Balance amount. Expressed in original currency specified in the Ccy tag below. |
Ccy | Text (3 chars) | The ISO currency code of the account’s balance |
ShrClssId | Text (200 chars) | Share Class Identifier. Applicable when certain positions are specific for a share class. |
Once you have filled out the values for the correct share classes you can save the excel file and navigate to the following page: http://beautifytools.com/excel-to-json-converter.php
Simply click the “Browse”-button and navigate to the Excel file that you just saved.
Do the same exercise that was described for the Share classes above with copying of the content from the JSON converter tool.
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