Getting started guide - Advisor

Getting started guide - Advisor

Welcome to the get-started guide of the Advisor module. This guide will get you started as a financial advisor using Bricknode to manage your customers. Bricknode works both as a CRM and a financial planning and trading tool. If you are not already set up with your system please get in touch!

  1. Sign in

  2. Navigate the dashboard

  3. Navigate to a customer

  4. Enter orders on behalf of customers

  5. Monitor transactions and events

  6. Communicate with customers

  7. Manage files

Step 1 – Sign in

As with the other modules within Bricknode Financial Systems you first have to log on to the right application to manage your tasks as a financial advisor. Once you are logged on the first screen will be your dashboard where you get an overview of your customers.

Step 2 - Navigate the dashboard

The financial advisor dashboard is split up into two sections, new, users, and accounts. The default setting shows you the last 5 users and accounts who were registered in BFS who you then can access easily by clicking on the name of the user. By entering keywords into the search boxes. you can search among all the customers who are available to you in BFS. 
The items in the search list can be exported to Excel by clicking on the Excel icon at the bottom right corner of every table.

Step 3 - Navigate the customer

Click on the customer name or the account to navigate to the customer. You will then view the customer overview, where you will find information about the accounts, positions, orders etc. 

Step 4 - Enter orders on behalf of customers

To enter orders on behalf of customers you can manage this by either navigating to a customer and selecting "Buy" in the quick menu OR you can navigate to an instrument and select buy OR select trade order in the action menu on the account. 

This opens the buy-dialogue where you can choose the instrument to buy for the customer.

In this example, Bricknode B is selected which then populates the order ticket. Click Confirm to create the order which will be handled by the administrators. 

Step 5 - Monitor events/tasks

As a financial advisor, you are often scheduling meetings and events for your customers which can be managed within BFS. To create a new event you navigate to the "Tasks" for the customer and select Create. 

Step 6 - Communicate with customers

Now you can put together reports for your end customers. We have added a tab on the account overview in Admin and Partner where you can create reports, that contain a summary, performance chart, holdings, comments, etc. The report collects information from different parts of the system and puts them together in a report. The report can easily be printed out or sent to customers in an email. Read more here: Account Report

Navigate to the tab messages to send a message to your customer. Select Public to show the message to the customer and select Promote to show the message on the customer's overview. You can include rich components like links and other HTML content within a message.

This is how it will look for the customer. 

Step 7 - Manage files

BFS offers a very dynamic and secure way of managing files with access rights and redundancy.

If your customer should deliver to you a signed contract or send identification documents it is possible for the customer to log on to the Customer front end and simply upload the file with the permission of both Admin and Advisor. This means that the file will be possible to view for both the BFS administrator and the assigned Advisor.

The other way around works as well if you are going to send a contract or a brochure to the customer you can simply upload it to the file area of the customer with the permission set to the end customer only. The end customer will then be able to view this when logged on.

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