3. Compare transactions - Internal
Compare internal and custody transactions
Compare transactions between internal accounts and internal custody for the selected balance date. Use this view to find transactions on the day the diff occurred.
Internal transactions are the transactions made on accounts like counterparty and customer. The sum of transactions must be the same on both sides.
How to find differences?
To help you, there is a "summation section" that calculates the amounts of selected transactions in each color.
Click on the transaction rows and use the colors to mark the transactions on both sides (Internal transactions and custody transactions).
Differences: Select all transactions (color) and if there is a transaction that can not be linked to another transaction, or the amounts are not the same in the summation section, there may be a possible reason for a diff.
No differences: When all transactions are selected (colored) on both sides and the amounts are the same on both sides in the summation section, then it is correct and there are no differences.
Item color marking
Click the action menu to select colors and which action marks an entry.
Marking alternatives: no color marking of the transactions, single-click or double-click.
Colors: you can select if you want the transaction rows to be green or yellow first when you mark them.
You can always clear marked transactions. Note! Click refresh to reload the page.