Manage Aksjesparekonto

Manage Aksjesparekonto

Open an account

Navigate to the Overview on the customer to create the account.

Click on the button to create an account.


In the drop-down menu Account Type select Aksjesparekonto and click Confirm to create the account.


The account is now created and is ready to be used. To deposit money click the action menu on the account and select Deposit Money.


Add Key Figures

Click the action menu on the account to add relevant key figures.


In the popup ticket, you can select a key figure transaction in the drop-down menu.

When creating a key figure transaction it will impact the key figure dimension. Please note that this will not affect trade or settle dimensions.

Tax-Free Return: Adding a Tax-Free Return transaction that will affect the Tax-Free Return dimension and is used for tracking how much the customer can withdraw without being taxed.

Deposit - Deposit Balance: Adding a Deposit transaction will increase the Deposit Balance dimension and is used for tracking the deposit balance.

Withdrawal - Deposit balance: Adding a Withdrawal transaction will decrease the Deposit Balance dimensional and is used for tracking the deposit balance.

Taxable Withdrawal: Adding a Taxable Withdrawal transaction that will affect the Taxable Withdrawals dimension and is used for tracking how much of the withdrawals on the account need to be taxed.

Unused Deduction: Adding an Unused Deduction transaction will affect the Unused Deduction dimension and is used for tracking how much deduction the account has available.

Fill the ticket with the relevant date and click Confirm to create the transaction.

Navigate to the transaction tab to view the created key figure transactions. You can select to show all dimensions or select to view a specific in the list.

To view a customer's position in a key figure, navigate to the position list in the top menu and select Cash. Select the balance dimension, enter the account for the customer, and click Search.


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