Fee Categories
There are two default categories in the system when activating the add-on. We have also set up transactions on the categories as an example of which transaction types will be created when using the fees. These can of course be changed to the setup that you want.
Click on the plus sign to view the transactions.
The process is to configure fee categories (1) and after that connect them to a fee group (2). The fee group is added to the instrument (3). When the customer is trading the instrument the fees will be drawn. All fees are created in the currency of the instrument.
Create a new Fee Category
Click on the button to add a new category.
The fee can be applied to buy, sell, or both buy and sell orders. This is selected in the drop-down menu Direction.
You will get different options whether you select a fee in amount or in percentage.
Name: Name of the fee category
Direction: Buy (fee only on buy orders), Sell (fee only on sell orders), Buy and Sell (fee on both buy and sell orders)
Type: Amount or Percentage
Select which accounts you want to be affected when applying the fee. Common is to set a fee account but some customers also want the fee to be applied to the counterparty and custody.
Amount: a fixed amount
Apply Discount: if a discount group should be applied.
Comment: comment
Percentage: variable fee in percentage
Min Amount: a minimum amount in the currency of the instrument
Max Amount: a maximum amount in the currency of the instrument
Apply Discount: if a discount group should be applied.
Comment: comment
Click Confirm to save the Fee Category. A new pop-up ticket will appear where you will add labels to the fee category (supported language Swedish (sv) and English (en)).
When the Fee Category is created you need to add transaction types to the category, what transactions will be drawn on the customer and applied to the fee account. Click on the +.
Click on the button to create the transactions.
Two transactions on the customer, to draw the fee, one in trade and one in settle:
Two transactions on the fee account:
When the Fee Category is created we need to add it to a Fee Group. The Fee Group is connected to the instrument.
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