Suggested KYC Questions

Suggested KYC Questions

When it comes to storing KYC questions we use a custom field (Custom fields are included on each object and is a key value pair where the key is called Field Name EntityBase CustomFields[]) that we suggest to call KYC_JSON as the FieldName and then in the Value you send in a serialized JSON object. The KYC questions can be named in any way and the content in the questions too. We have harmonized the naming of the questions according to the tables below. If you wish each KYC question could be stored as an individual custom field too with the prefix KYC_ used for the Field Name:


Custom field name


Suggested labels in different languages

Custom field name


Suggested labels in different languages


false (equals to “No”)
true (equals to“Yes”)

EN = “Are you in any way taxable in the US?”
SE = “Är du på något sätt skattskyldig i USA?”


employed (equals to “Employed”)
business_owner (equals to “Business owner”)
student (equals to “Student”)
age_retired (equals to “Retired because of age”)
retired_on_disability (equals to “Retired because of disability”)

EN = “What is your occupation?”
SE = “Vad är din sysselsättning?”


below_10000 (equals to “Below 10,000”)
10000_50000 (equals to “Between 10,000 - 50,000”)
50000_100000 (equals to “Between 50,000 - 100,000 ”)
above_100000 (equals to “Above 100,000”)

This is currency agnostic, just make sure to use the same currency in the pure numeric values in other KYC answers.

EN = “What is your annual income?”
SE = “Vad är din årsinkomst?”


below_10000 (equals to “Below 10,000”)
10000_50000 (equals to “Between 10,000 - 50,000”)
50000_100000 (equals to “Between 50,000 - 100,000 ”)
above_100000 (equals to “Above 100,000”)

EN = “How much capital do you think that you will invest with us every year?”
SE = “Hur mycket kapital tror du att du kommer investera hos oss varje år?”


once_per_month (equals to “Once per month”)
once_every_6_month (equals to “Once every six months”)
once_per_year (equals to “Once per year”)
this_is_a_one_time_deposit (equals to “This is a one time deposit”)

EN = “How often do you think that you will invest with us?”
SE = “Hur ofta tror du att du kommer investera hos oss?”


interest_or_dividends_from_other_investments (equals to “Returns from other investments”)
salary_pension (equals to “Salary or pension”)
lottery_gambling (equals to “Gambling profits”)
sale_of_real_estate (equals to “Sale of real estate”)
sale_of_company (equals to “Sale of company”)
inheritage_or_gift (equals to “Inheritance or gift”)

EN = “Where does the capital come from?”
SE = “Var kommer kapitalet ifrån?”


economic_security (equals to “Economic security”)
pension (equals to “Pension”)
gift_to_relative (equals to “Gift to relative”)
consumption (equals to “Consumption”)

EN = “What is the purpose with your investment?”
SE = “Vad är målsättningen med din investering?”


false (equals to “No”)
true (equals to“Yes”)

EN = “Do you live in [COUNTRY]?” This is used for asking the customer if they live in the same country as your company is domiciled.
SE = “Är du bosatt i Sverige?”


false (equals to “No”)
true (equals to“Yes”)

EN = “Are you, or have you been a person in a politically exposed position?”
SE = “Är eller har du varit en person i politiskt utsatt ställning?”


A numeric value

EN = “What is your monthly gross income?”
SE = “Vad är din månatliga bruttoinkomst?”


A numeric value

EN = “What is the total value of your assets?”
SE = “Vad är värdet av dina totala tillgångar?”


once_per_month (equals to “Once per month”)
once_every_6_month (equals to “Once every six months”)
once_per_year (equals to “Once per year”)
this_is_a_one_time_deposit (equals to “This is a one time deposit”)

EN = “How often will you make withdrawals from your account?”
SE = “Hur ofta kommer du att göra uttag från ditt konto?”


An array of the two letter ISO code of the country

EN = “In what countries do you hold a citizenship?”
SE = “I vilka länder är du medborgare?”


A numeric value

EN = “How much will you initially deposit?”
SE = “Hur mycket kommer du att sätta in initialt?”


A numeric value

EN = “How much will you deposit each month?”
SE = “Hur mycket kommer du att sätta in varje månad?”


Custom field name



Custom field name




false (equals to “No”)
true (equals to“Yes”)

EN = “Is the company in any way taxable in the US?”
SE = “Är bolaget något sätt skattskyldig i USA?”


below_10000 (equals to “Below 10,000”)
10000_50000 (equals to “Between 10,000 - 50,000”)
50000_100000 (equals to “Between 50,000 - 100,000 ”)
above_100000 (equals to “Above 100,000”)

This is currency agnostic, just make sure to use the same currency in the pure numeric values in other KYC answers.

EN = “How much capital do you think the company will invest?”
SE = “Hur mycket kapital tror du att bolaget kommer investera?”


once_per_month (equals to “Once per month”)
once_every_6_month (equals to “Once every six months”)
once_per_year (equals to “Once per year”)
this_is_a_one_time_deposit (equals to “This is a one time deposit”)

EN = “How often do you think the company will invest?”
SE = “Hur ofta tror du att bolaget kommer investera?”


interest_or_dividends_from_other_investments (equals to “Returns from other investments”)
salary_pension (equals to “Salary or pension”)
lottery_gambling (equals to “Gambling profits”)
sale_of_real_estate (equals to “Sale of real estate”)
sale_of_company (equals to “Sale of company”)
inheritage_or_gift (equals to “Inheritance or gift”)

EN = “Where does the capital come from?”
SE = “Var kommer kapitalet ifrån?”


economic_security (equals to “Economic security”)
speculation (equals to “Speculation“)
dividends (equals to “Dividends”)
other (equals to “(equals to “Other”)

EN = “What is the purpose of your investment?”
SE = “Vad är målsättningen med din investering?”


false (equals to “No”)
true (equals to“Yes”)

EN = “Is any of the owners or signatories a person in a politically exposed position? See further definition below. *

  • According to the law on measures against money laundering and terrorist financing, we must ask if any of the owners or signatories is a person in a politically exposed position.

If any of the owners or signatories state that they have, or have had during the last 18 months, a high political post or a high government position in [COUNTRY] or in another country or if any of the owners or signatories have or have had a function in the management for an international organization, you must answer additional questions.

If any of the owners or signatories are family members or employees of a person in a politically vulnerable position, you must also answer the questions. You must also answer the questions if you terminated employment, which caused you to be a person in a politically exposed position, less than 18 months ago or if you are a family member or employee of a person who terminated such employment less than 18 months ago . We will contact you regarding this.”

SE = “Är någon av ägarna eller firmatecknarna en person i politiskt utsatt ställning? Se vidare definition nedan. *

*Enligt lagen om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism måste vi fråga om någon av ägarna eller firmatecknarna är en person i politiskt utsatt ställning.

Om någon av ägarna eller firmatecknarna anger att de har, eller har haft under de senaste 18 månaderna, en hög politisk post eller hög statlig befattning i Sverige eller i ett annat land eller om någon av ägarna eller firmatecknarna har eller har haft en funktion i ledningen för en internationell organisation, så måste ni svara på kompletterande frågor.

Om någon av ägarna eller firmatecknarna är familjemedlem eller medarbetare till en person i politiskt utsatt ställning måste ni också svara på frågorna. Ni måste även svara på frågorna om ni avslutat anställning, vilken föranledde att ni var en person i politiskt utsatt ställning, för mindre än 18 månader sen eller om ni är familjemedlem eller medarbetare till en person som avslutat en sådan anställning för mindre än 18 månader sen. Vi kommer kontakta er angående detta.”


banking_finance_insurance (equals to “Banking, finance or insurance”)
construction_real_estate (equals to ”Construction & real estate”)
hairdresser_crafts (equals to “Hairdresser & crafts”)
trade_consumer_products (equals to ”Trade & consumer products”)
non-profit_organizations (equals to ”Non-profit organizations”)
media_telecom (equals to ”Media & telecom”)
technology (equals to ”Technology”)
manufacturing_industry (equals to ”Manufacturing & industry”)
care_medicine_health (equals to ”Healthcare, medicine & health”)
other (equals to ”Others”)

EN = “In which industry is the company active?”
SE = ”Inom vilken bransch är bolaget verksamt inom?”


This can be a JSON object with Beneficiary items where each item has the following properties:

string: taxIdentificationlNumber
string: firstName
string: lastName
string: address
string: zipCode
string: city
string: country (The two character ISO code of the country)
decimal: ownership (0.1 for 10% for example)
bool: isNaturalPerson
bool: pep

EN = “Add beneficiary

Tax idendification number:
First name:
Last name:
Zip code:
Percent ownership:
The beneficiary is a natural person:
The beneficiary is a politically exposed person:”

SE = “Lägg till verklig huvudman

Personnummer (ÅÅÅÅMMDD-XXXX)
Postnummer (XXX XX)
Ägande i procent (ex. 10)
Ägaren är en fysisk person
Ägaren är en person i politiskt utsatt ställning”


A numeric value

EN = “What is your monthly gross income?”
SE = “Vad är din månatliga bruttoinkomst?”


A numeric value

EN = “What is the total value of your assets?”
SE = “Vad är värdet av dina totala tillgångar?”


once_per_month (equals to “Once per month”)
once_every_6_month (equals to “Once every six months”)
once_per_year (equals to “Once per year”)
this_is_a_one_time_deposit (equals to “This is a one time deposit”)

EN = “How often will you make withdrawals from your account?”
SE = “Hur ofta kommer du att göra uttag från ditt konto?”


An array of the two letter ISO code of the country

EN = “In what country is the company domiciled?”
SE = “I vilket land är företaget registrerat?”


A numeric value

EN = “How much will you initially deposit?”
SE = “Hur mycket kommer du att sätta in initialt?”


A numeric value

EN = “How much will you deposit each month?”
SE = “Hur mycket kommer du att sätta in varje månad?”


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