

A fund instruction is an entity that holds information about a message sent to a Fund entity in order to complete a trade where an investor buys (subscribes) och sells (redeems) their holdings in an investment fund. The fund instructions in BFS are structured according to ISO 20022 and can receive the following statuses:

NEWA new created instruction
READYAn instruction that is ready to be sent to the counterparty. If this status is set in BFS the instruction will be included the next time a scheduled job collects and sends instructions or a user manually triggers a fund instruction send action
STOPAn instruction that is on hold and will not be sent to the counterparty
SENTAn instruction that has been sent to the counterparty
SENTERRORAn instruction that received some sort of connection error when sending to the counterparty
ACKAn instruction that is acknowledged by the counterparty
NACKAn instruction that is reported by the counterparty that in some way is not correct. For example if an instruction is sent to the counterparty and the investment fund does not exist with the counterparty this state will be the result
EXECUTEDAn instruction that is confirmed as a traded and that has received a fill price
SETTLEDAn instruction that is confirmed as settled
CANCELEDAn instruction that is canceled
ERRORAn instruction that has received some kind of error
FINISHEDAn instruction that is complete

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