Filter inputs
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Available from version |
BrickIds | Guid[] | Filter by array of BrickIds. BrickId is the internal id of a deposit order | 2.02.20160422 | |
CreatedDateFrom | DateTime? | When used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request | 2.02.20160422 | |
CreatedDateTo | DateTime? | 2.02.20160422 | ||
CurrencyCodes | string[] | The ISO-code of the currency in the order, for example "EUR" | 2.02.20160422 | |
ExternalReference | string[] | The external reference that was set at the creation of the order | 2.02.20160422 | |
BatchOrders | Guid[] | The BrickIds of the DepositBatchTransferOrders that the DepositTransferOrders should be included within | 2.02.20160422 | |
Accounts | Guid[] | The BrickIds of accounts where the DepositTransferOrders should be associated with | 2.02.20160422 | |
States | string[] | The current state of the order. The states can be found in the back office GUI of BFS by navigating to SystemData→Workflows and then look at the workflow for this order type | 2.02.20160422 | |
TransferReceiver | Guid[] | The BrickIds of the TransferReceiver that the order was associated with. This connection is more common when it comes to withdrawals but could be used for deposits as well | 2.02.20160422 | |
SettlementDateFrom | DateTime? | When used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request | 2.02.20160422 | |
SettlementDateTo | DateTime? | 2.02.20160422 |
Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase
Name | Type | Description | Available from version |
BrickId | Guid | The BrickId of the order | 2.02.20160422 |
CreatedDate | DateTime | The timestamp of when the order was created | 2.02.20160422 |
SettlementDate | DateTime | The date of when the order was settled | 2.02.20160422 |
CashAmount | decimal | The amount of the order | 2.02.20160422 |
State | string | The current state of the order as described by the workflow | 2.02.20160422 |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO-code of the currency in the order, for example "EUR" | 2.02.20160422 |
OrderNo | string | The order number of the deposit order | 2.02.20160422 |
ExternalReference | string | The external reference that was set at the creation of the order | 2.02.20160422 |
Account | Guid | The BrickId of the associated accout for the order | 2.02.20160422 |
TransferOrderType | string | The name of the order type | 2.02.20160422 |
BatchOrderNo | string | The order number of the associated batch order if the deposit transfer order is associated to one | 2.02.20160429 |
TransferReceiver | Guid | The BrickId of the TransferReceiver | 2.38 |
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