
Replaced by (in development) CreateDepositCashOrders 2.0

Inputs (Array of DepositCashOrders) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidNot used.


This is the account number of the SystemAccount which should receive the deposit.

Example: 15654


This is the amount which should be deposited into the account. Negative amount is not allowed.

Example: 1000


This the ISO-currency code of the deposit.

Example: SEK


This can be any combination of characters which is used by the sender to link information between BFS and external systems

Example: 465465456 (as the transaction ID of the external system)

If the deposit order is associated with an AllocationProfileId the resulting Trade Orders will receive this value for their ExternalReference as well.


Order settlement type is only applicable for orders with the Internal execution interface. This property will be set on trade orders created from the linked allocation order.



PRICE (Not supported)


A Linked allocation order is created where the cash will be allocated according to the allocation.

Amount overrides Linked Amount

LinkedAmountDecimalThe amount to be used in the allocation

TradeDateDatetime?The trade date of the transaction. If not provided trade date will be set to today's date.


batchIdGUIDThis is the id of the batch of deposits which were created and this can be used by the external system as a bank transaction reference in order for BFS to map a physical deposit to which individual deposit orders which are included
BatchOrderNoStringThis is a string in number format which represents the BatchOrder

This is an array where each item represents the individual deposit orders which were included in the batch deposit. The Array includes:

ExternalReference (the external reference received from the requester)

OrderId (this is the GUID order id of the deposit order in BFS)

OrderNo (this is a string in number format which represents the OrderId)

Code examples

XML request example
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <CreateDepositCashOrders xmlns="">
C# - CreateDepositCashOrder
//Create two deposits with the CreateDepositCash methodvar client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();
var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS
var response = client.CreateDepositCashOrders(new BFSServiceReference.CreateDepositCashOrderRequest()
    Credentials = credentials,
    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS       
    Entities = new[]
        new DepositCashOrder()
            AccountNo = "10032589",
            Amount = 100,
            CurrencyCode = "SEK",
            ExternalReference = "Deposit1"
        new DepositCashOrder()
            AccountNo = "10011484",          
            Amount = 110,
            CurrencyCode = "SEK",
            ExternalReference = "Test2",
            OrderSettlementType = OrderSettlementType.PAYMENT,
            AllocationProfileId = new Guid("ea03c9b6-e4f7-4c24-b7cb-1142fcd6faad"),
            LinkedAmount = 100M
//Show information about the batch order that was generated
Console.WriteLine(response.batchId + ", " + response.batchOrderNo);
//Show information about the individual deposit orders
foreach (var c in response.Orders)
    Console.WriteLine(c.OrderId + ", " + c.OrderNo);

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