

Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdsGuid[]Filter by array of BrickIds. BrickId is the internal id of a currency exchange order.
OrderDirectionKeyStringFilter based on if you want to show buy or sell orders. Enter "Buy" for buy orders and "Sell" for sell orders.
AccountOwnersGuid[]Filter based on the BrickId of the account owner Legal Entities.
AccountsGuid[]Filter based on the Account where the order is associated.
BuyCashAssetBrickIdsGuid[]Filter based on the Cash asset BrickIds of the currency that should be bought.
SellCashAssetBrickIdsGuid[]Filter based on the Cash asset BrickIds of the currency that should be sold.
CommentsString[]Filter based on the comments on the orders.
CreatedDateFromDateTimeFilter on the created date of the orders.
FromBuyAmountDecimalIn case of a buy order you can filter based on the amount that should be bought.
FromSellAmountDecimalIn case of a sell order you can filter based on the amount that should be sold.
OrderNosString[]Filter by order numbers.

Filter by order status, available statuses are:

Placed - the initial state
PrePlaced - if the order is placed but money is not available to reserve
Processed - the order is ready to be sent for execution
Sent - the order was sent for execution
Executed - the order was executed
Settled - the order was settled
Cancelled - the order was cancelled
Review - the order is currently in review


Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe internal id of the order2.25
OrderDirectionKeyString"Buy" or "Sell" describes what type of order this is.2.25
LegalEntityIdGuidThe BrickId of the Legal Entity who owns the account that the order relates to.2.25
AccountIdGuidThe BrickId of the Account that the order relates to.2.25
BuyCashAssetBrickIdGuidThe BrickId of the Cash asset that is being bought by the order.2.25
SellCashAssetBrickIdGuidThe BrickId of the Cash asset that is being sold by the order.2.25
CommentStringA comment for the order if any.2.25
BuyAmountDecimalIn case of a buy order this property shows how much should be bought by the order.2.25
SellAmountDecimalIn case of a sell order this property shows how much should be sold by the order.2.25
OrderNoStringThe order number for the order.2.25
AllocationOrderGuidThe BrickId of the Allocation Order that the order relates to if any.2.25
CurrencyExchangeBatchOrderGuidThe BrickId of the batch order if the order is related to such.2.25
ExecutionInterfaceIdGuidThe execution interface that the order belongs to.2.25

The order status that can be any of the following:

Placed - the initial state
PrePlaced - if the order is placed but money is not available to reserve
Processed - the order is ready to be sent for execution
Sent - the order was sent for execution
Executed - the order was executed
Settled - the order was settled
Cancelled - the order was cancelled
Review - the order is currently in review


Code examples

C# - Get Currency Exchange Orders from a BFS instance
 var request = new GetCurrencyExchangeOrderRequest();

            request.Credentials = CorrectCredentials();
            request.identify = CorrectIdentify();

            request.Args = new GetCurrencyExchangeOrderArgs
                OrderDirectionKey = "Buy",
                AccountOwners = new []{Guid.Empty, },
                Accounts = new []{Guid.Empty, },
                BrickIds = new []{Guid.Empty, },
                BuyCashAssetBrickIds = new []{Guid.Empty, },
                SellCashAssetBrickIds = new []{Guid.Empty, },
                Comments = new []{"Test"},
                CreatedDateFrom = DateTime.MinValue,
                CreatedDateTo = DateTime.MaxValue,
                FromBuyAmount = 0M,
                ToBuyAmount = 1000000M,
                OrderNos = new []{"878889", "7786"},
                States = new []{"Placed", "Settled"}

            request.Fields = new GetCurrencyExchangeOrderFields
                BuyCashAssetBrickId = true,
                SellCashAssetBrickId = true,
                Comment = true,
                BuyAmount = true,
                AccountId = true,
                AllocationOrder = true,
                CurrencyExchangeBatchOrder = true,
                BrickId = true,
                CreatedDate = true,
                CustomFields = true,
                ExecutionInterfaceId = true,
                LegalEntityId = true,
                OrderDirectionKey = true,
                OrderNo = true,
                State = true,
                SellAmount = true

            var response = client.GetCurrencyExchangeOrders(request);

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