Filter inputs
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Available from version |
BrickIds | Guid[] | Filter by array of BrickIds. BrickId is the internal id of an InternalInstrumentTransferOrder |
| 2.27 |
CreatedDateFrom | DateTime? | When used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request |
| 2.27 |
CreatedDateTo | DateTime? |
| 2.27 | |
FromAccountNumbers | string[] | This filter relates to the account numbers where the transfer order is transferring assets from |
| 2.27 |
FromAccountBrickIds | Guid[] | This filter relates to the BrickIds of the accounts where the transfer order is transferring assets from |
| 2.27 |
ToAccountNumbers | string[] | This filter relates to the account numbers where the transfer order is transferring assets to |
| 2.27 |
ToAccountBrickIds | Guid[] | This filter relates to the BrickIds of the accounts where the transfer order is transferring assets to |
| 2.27 |
FromUnits | decimal? | Filter on the number of units of the order, when used, both of the values should be applied |
| 2.27 |
ToUnits | decimal? |
| 2.27 | |
Comment | string | A free text comment that can exist on the order |
| 2.27 |
FromTradeDate | DateTime? | When used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request |
| 2.27 |
ToTradeDate | DateTime? |
| 2.27 | |
FromSettlementDate | DateTime? | When used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request |
| 2.27 |
ToSettlementDate | DateTime? |
| 2.27 | |
FromValueDate | DateTime? | When used, both from date and to date should be provided in the request |
| 2.27 |
ToValueDate | DateTime? |
| 2.27 | |
InstrumentBrickIds | Guid[] | The BrickId of the Instrument asset |
| 2.27 |
FromAcquisitionValue | decimal | When used, both the from and to acquisition value should be used. This reflects the acquisition value in the currency of the instrument asset. |
| 2.27 |
ToAcquisitionValue | decimal |
| 2.27 | |
FromAcquisitionPrice | decimal | When used, both the from and to acquisition price should be used. This reflects the acquisition price per unit in the currency of the instrument asset. |
| 2.27 |
ToAcquisitionPrice | decimal |
| 2.27 | |
FromAcquisitionValueAccountCurrency | decimal | When used, both the from and to acquisition value in account currency should be used. This reflects the acquisition value in the base currency of the account. |
| 2.27 |
ToAcquisitionValueAccountCurrency | decimal |
| 2.27 | |
FromAcquisitionPriceAccountCurrency | decimal | When used, both the from and to acquisition price in account currency should be used. This reflects the acquisition price per unit in the base currency of the account. |
| 2.27 |
ToAcquisitionPriceAccountCurrency | decimal |
| 2.27 | |
OverrideOwnershipChangeValidation | decimal | If this field is true it means that no validation has been made on the order regarding if the transfer would result in the change of ownership to another Legal Entities |
| 2.27 |
Isin | string[] | The ISIN codes of the instrument |
| 2.27 |
OrderStatus | string[] | The order status of the orders you want |
| 2.36 |
OrderNo | string[] | The order numbers of the orders you want |
| 2.36 |
Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase
Name | Type | Description | Available from version |
BrickId | Guid | The BrickId (unique id) of the order | 2.27 |
CreatedDate | DateTime | The timestamp of when the order was created | 2.27 |
FromAccountNumber | string | The account number where assets are being transferred from | 2.27 |
ToAccountNumber | string | The account number where assets are being transferred to | 2.27 |
FromAccountBrickId | Guid | The BrickId of the account where assets are being transferred from | 2.27 |
ToAccountBrickId | Guid | The BrickId of the account where assets are being transferred to | 2.27 |
Units | decimal | The amount of units of the transfer order | 2.27 |
Comment | string | A free text comment that can exist on the order | 2.27 |
TradeDate | DateTime | The trade date used on the transactions related to the order | 2.27 |
SettlementDate | DateTime | The settle date used on the transactions related to the order | 2.27 |
ValueDate | DateTime | The value date used on the transactions related to the order | 2.27 |
InstrumentBrickId | Guid | The BrickId of the Instrument asset | 2.27 |
AcquisitionValue | decimal | The acquisition value of the instrument in the currency of the instrument | 2.27 |
AcquisitionPrice | decimal | The acquisition price per unit of the instrument in the currency of the instrument | 2.27 |
AcquisitionValueAccountCurrency | decimal | The acquisition value of the instrument in the base currency of the account | 2.27 |
AcquisitionPriceAccountCurrency | decimal | The acquisition price per unit of the instrument in the base currency of the account | 2.27 |
Isin | string | The ISIN code of the instrument | 2.27 |
OrderStatus | string | Status of the order | 2.36 |
OrderNo | string | Order number of the order | 2.36 |
Code examples
C# - Get internal instrument transfer orders from a BFS instance
request.Credentials = CorrectCredentials();
request.identify = CorrectIdentify();
request.Args = new GetInternalInstrumentTransferOrderArgs
FromAccountNumbers = new []{"1234"}
request.Fields = new GetInternalInstrumentTransferOrderFields
ToAccountBrickId = true,
TradeDate = true,
SettlementDate = true,
ValueDate = true,
FromAccountBrickId = true,
BrickId = true,
Comment = true,
CreatedDate = true,
CustomFields = true,
FromAccountNumber = true,
ToAccountNumber = true,
AcquisitionPrice = true,
AcquisitionPriceAccountCurrency = true,
AcquisitionValue = true,
AcquisitionValueAccountCurrency = true,
InstrumentBrickId = true,
Isin = true,
OverrideOwnershipChangeValidation = true,
Units = true
var response = client.GetInternalInstrumentTransferOrders(request);
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