
Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
StartDateTimeStart of the period True
EndDateTimeEnd of the Period True
DisplayCurrencyCodestringEnter what currency in ISO-format that the results should be calculated in (defaults to SEK)

AccountsGuid[]An array of accounts to include in the calculation

AssetsGuid[]An array of assets to include in the calculation (leave empty to include all assets for the accounts)

PercentageReturnBoolChoose if return values should be in actual value or as a percentage of the change

AbsoluteReturnBoolChoose if return values should be in absolute value or not.


Response rows (Array)

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
ValueDecimalThe value of the data point
DateDateTimeThe date of the data point

Code examples

C# - Get holdings over time for a specific account
var request = new GetHoldingsOverTimeRequest()
    //Fields = new GetHistoricPositionFields(),
    Fields = new GetHoldingsOverTimeResponseFields(),
    // Args = new GetHistoricPositionArgs()
    Args = new GetHoldingsOverTimeArgs()

request.Credentials = CorrectCredentials();
request.identify = CorrectIdentify();
request.Fields = new GetHoldingsOverTimeResponseFields()
    Date = true,
    Value = true
request.Args = new GetHoldingsOverTimeArgs()
    Start = new DateTime(2017,12,31),
    End = new DateTime(2018, 8, 28),
    DisplayCurrencyCode = "SEK",
    PercentageReturn = true,
    Accounts = new Guid[] {Guid.Parse("<BFS Id for a specific account>"), }

var response = client.GetHoldingsOverTime(request);
foreach (var responseRow in response.Result)
    Console.WriteLine($"Date: {responseRow.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}\tValue: {responseRow.Value:P2}");

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