Filter inputs

NameTypeDescriptionMandatoryAvailable from version
BrickIdGuid[]Specific ids to search for. BrickId is the internal id of a trade order.


ISINsString[]Specific ISINs to search for

CurrencyCodeStringFilter by ISO-code for currency in which the instrument is traded. ("SEK", "USD" etc.)

ExternalReferencesString[]Filter instruments by external references in BFS.

CommentsString[]Filter instruments by comments in BFS.
LastSubscriptionDateFromDateTime?Last subscription date (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)

LastSubscriptionDateToDateTime?Last subscription date (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)

ExpirationDateFromDateTime?Expiration date from (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)

ExpirationDateToDateTime?Expiration date to (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)

DisplayPercentagePricebool?True if BFS should display percentage price
DisplayDecimalsPriceInt[]The number of decimals to display for the price of the instrument
MICsString[]The MIC-code for the default marketplace
NamesString[]The names of the instruments
SymbolsString[]The short name symbols of the instruments
DefaultMarketplaceGuid[]The BrickId of a TradingVenue that is associated with the instrument as DefaultMarketplace
InstrumentStatusesint[]The status of the instrument according to table found in this page Instrument
IssuersGuid[]The BrickIds of the Issuer of the instruments.

DebtInstrumentBoolDebt instrument classification that will be used in TRS2 reporting

Response rows (Array) inherits from EntityBase

NameTypeDescriptionAvailable from version
BrickIdGuidThe internal id of the instrument
CurrencyCodeStringISO-code for currency in which the instrument is traded
ISINStringThe International Securities Identification Number of the instrument
NameStringThe name of the instrument
LastSubscriptionDateDateTimeLast subscription date of the instrument (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)
ExpirationDateDateTimeThe expiration date of the instrument (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)
PriceDoubleThe current price of the instrument
QuantityDecimalsIntNumber of decimals for the units of the instrument
DisplayDecimalsPriceIntNumber of decimals for the price of the instrument
MinAmountDecimalThe minimum number of units allowed for trading
MaxAmountDecimalThe maximum number of units allowed for trading
ExternalReferenceStringExternal reference of the instrument
CommentStringComment of the instrument2.09
DisplayPercentagePriceBoolTrue if BFS should display percentage price2.02
SymbolStringThe short name symbol for the instrument2.02
MICStringThe MIC-code of the default marketplace for the instrument2.02
ValueMultiplierDoubleThe value multiplier for the instrument2.02
InstrumentCategorizationInstrumentCategorizationItem[]Will return an array of InstrumentCategorizationItems if any2.02
DefaultMarketPlaceGuidThe BrickId of the default marketplace2.02
IssuerGuidThe BrickId of the Issuer of the instrument.
CustomFieldsobject[]CustomFields is an array of CustomField objects. Each CustomField consists of two strings, FieldName and Value. There are no datatypes associated with these properties, they are just a way for api-users to add custimized data to the object.2.09
InstrumentStatusIntThe status of the instrument according to table found in this page Instrument2.09
OrganizerGuidThe BrickId of the Organizer of the instrument2.10
PriceDateDateTimePriceDate is when the current Price of the instrument was set2.10
FeeCategoryKeyStringWhich FeeCategory the instrument is associated with2.10
BuyCommissionPercentageDoubleBuyCommissionPercentage of the instrument2.10
SellCommissionPercentageDoubleSellCommissionPercentage of the instrument2.10
EarlySellFeePercentageDoubleEarlySellFeePercentage of the instrument2.10
ProductCompensationPercentageDoubleProductCompensationPercentage of the instrument2.10
FirstTradeDateDateTimeFirstTradeDate of the instrument (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)2.10
LastTradeDateDateTimeLastTradeDate of the instrument (Securities terms - Date concepts within the securities market)2.10
DatasheetURLStringDatasheetURL of the instrument2.10
LockInPeriodDaysIntNumber of days from the Buy date where the owner has to pay an early sell fee2.10
IsLimitedToAccountTypesBoolIf the instrument is limited to different account types2.10
DebtInstrumentBoolDebt instrument classification that will be used in TRS2 reporting2.13

Code examples

//Use the GetInstruments method
var client = new BFSServiceReference.bfsapiSoapClient();

var credentials = new BFSServiceReference.Credentials()
    UserName = bfsusername, //Username of administrative user in your instance of BFS
    Password = bfspassword, //Password of the administrative user in your instance of BFS

var orders = client.GetInstruments(new BFSServiceReference.GetInstrumentsRequest()
    Credentials = credentials,

    identify = bfsidentifier, //Identifier is a unique token for your instance of BFS 

    Args = new GetInstrumentsArgs()
        MICs = new string[]


    Fields = new BFSServiceReference.GetInstrumentsFields()
        BrickId = true,
        VisibleStatusKey = true,
        ExternalReference = true,
        Name = true,
        CurrencyCode = true,
        Price = true,
        DisplayDecimalsPrice = true,
        InstrumentType = true,
        ISIN = true,
        QuantityDecimals = true,
        Symbol = true,
        LastSubscriptionDate = true,
        MIC = true,
        ValueMultiplier = true,
        InstrumentCategorization = true,
        DefaultMarketPlace = true,
        ExpirationDate = true,
        MaxAmount = true,
        MinAmount = true


foreach (var c in orders.Result)
    Console.WriteLine(c.BrickId + ";" + c.VisibleStatusKey + ";" + c.ExternalReference + ";" + c.Name + ";" + c.CurrencyCode + ";" + c.Price + ";" + c.DisplayDecimalsPrice + ";" +
        c.InstrumentType + ";" + c.ISIN + ";" + c.QuantityDecimals + ";" + c.Symbol + ";" + c.LastSubscriptionDate + ";" + c.MIC + ";" + c.ValueMultiplier + ";" + c.DefaultMarketPlace + ";" +
        c.ExpirationDate + ";" + c.MaxAmount + ";" + c.MinAmount);
    if (c.InstrumentCategorization != null)
        foreach (var d in c.InstrumentCategorization.Array)
            Console.WriteLine(d.GroupKey + ", " + d.Key + ", " + d.Weight);
